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Date Format yyyy-mm-dd

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi all. I've found the numerous help articles describing the Date Format being controlled by your \Account\Personal Settings\Language (Country)\ selection, but as far as I can tell all formats are mm/dd/yy or dd/mm/yy.

I need to format in the ISO standard of yyyy-mm-dd.

Has anybody successfully found a way or implemented a method to force this standard format?


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Me too (want ISO 8604 format)


    You can't have formulas in date columns that are connected to the project Dependencies, but this will get you ISO format for display purposes:


    =YEAR(StartDate4) + "-" + IF(MONTH(StartDate4) < 10, "0" + MONTH(StartDate4), MONTH(StartDate4)) + "-" + IF(DAY(StartDate4) < 10, "0" + DAY(StartDate4), DAY(StartDate4))


    Note that there is no error checking for missing date.


    Note to Smartsheet: If we had a PAD function with arguments (VALUE,LEFTPAD,RIGHTPAD)

    {or a PADLEFT and PADRIGHT}

    where the LEFTPAD and RIGHTPAD arguments were numbers of digits to be padded with 0's, then the formula becomes


    =YEAR(StartDate4) + "-" + PAD(MONTH(StartDate4,2,0) + "-" + PAD(DAY(StartDate4,2,0)


    or an ISODATE function



    would also be nice.


    And if we could have an optional argument for date formulas where we can avoid writing complicated and CPU intensive formulas to avoid error messages on known blanks, that would be helpful too.




  • Atus Bartal
    Atus Bartal ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 06/02/16

    agrant4 and Craig,


    Here in Hungary the official date format is yyyy.mm.dd., today is (for 8 minutes) 2016.06.02.

    I'm lucky enough to be able to set Language (in personal settings) to Hungarian, and the date format automatically was set to this format:



    (Yes, we also use comma and period differently in numbers - just as names: first names are family names, last names are first names :)) If you'd like to check out this strange language just for getting your desired date format, just go ahead :)




  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭






  • agrant4
    edited 06/03/16

    Atus, your suggestion to inspect the Hungarian language setting helped me identify that English (South African) is also close to what I seek yyyy/mm/dd.

    I will test using English (South African) for a while. I don't want to risk setting my language to Hungarian, and then one day a page or feature will change and I won't be able to understand or translate properly.



    Thanks both of you!


    Smartsheet - please make the Date Format fully configurable and independent of the language/region!


  • Atus Bartal
    Atus Bartal ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    Happy to help...

    Just to make sure: all other things appear in English for me, too. 

  • Kennedy Stomps

    Great suggestion Atus--thanks for sharing that! Agrant4, I've added your vote to support formatting dates in the ISO standard to our enhancement request list. Our developers will consider this for a future update.

  • Kelly Poirier

    agrant 4,


    Just wondering how your SA English date format is working?





  • Kelly Poirier

    agrant 4,


    Just wondering how your SA English date format is working?





  • agrant4
    edited 06/07/16

    It's working fine. I got a message from the support team that Swiss does use the yyyy-mm-dd format, however will change my numbers format from 2,500.00 to 2.500,00. Mash the two together would be great; or better yet, have date and number format separated from region controls.

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