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Calculate % complete based upon start and end dates?

Mike Hadddock
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hello, does anyone know how to calcuate the % complete for a project based upon it start and end date?  I have projects where my resources are "consulting" and I'd like to have a way to see the % complete of the project when I roll it up in a project overview dashboard.


I tried using the traditional "yearfrac" formula utilized in Excel but this doesnt appear to be supported.


Thanks for your help!




  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Mike—one important note on this is that if you have dependencies enabled in your sheet, there isn't currently a way to place custom formulas in the % complete column as it's being used to calculate the weighted parent roll up functionality.


    If you don't have dependencies enabled in your sheet, you'll need to create a custom formula that calculates the percentage for you in a manner that you see fit. Although we don't have a YEARFRAC function in Smartsheet, I'd recommend checking out our Help Center to see what you can come up with: http://help.smartsheet.com/articles/775363-using-formulas

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