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Drag & Drop Emails from Outlook to Smartsheet in Chrome & Email is Deleted from Outlook

edited 12/09/19 in API & Developers

When dragging the email from my Outlook window to Smartsheet in Google Chrome it removes the file from my Outlook entirely and the email is gone.

I tested this in MS Edge and confirmed it does not happen when using Edge; the file copies and uploads to Smartsheet without deleting it from Outlook.

  • Windows 10 Pro for Workstations
  • Outlook 365 Business
  • Google Chrome

The steps:

  1. Left-click and hold
  2. Drag to Chrome window with Smartsheet open
  3. Hover over row I want it attached to
  4. Let go of left mouse button
  5. Email file uploads to Smartsheet row but is now gone entirely from Outlook

The simplest way around this is to add the extra step of dragging to my desktop to make a copy then drag from my desktop to Smartsheet. The odd thing here is that it doesn't delete the file from the desktop when I drag it to Smartsheet, only when dragging directly from Outlook to Smartsheet.

If I accidentally drag-drop straight to Smartsheet I then have to download the file from Smartsheet, open the folder it downloaded to and drag it back to my Outlook so I still have the email file in my Outlook.

It's worth noting that this occurs with and without the Smartsheet Outlook add-in; I tested it both ways.

I, like many, do not use Edge as my browser and would like to see this fixed in Chrome.


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