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edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Open Topics Pending Product Reply on:

  • Fix the link to sheet bug not showing as a URL/link
  • Unable to unlink, delete and retype in text to fix
  • Ability to chance the background color in a Sight other what white/grey - fix to allow users to select a color or image upload
  • Ability to make widgets transparent and just just opaque
  • Ability to see what mobile will look like and append so widgets are in a natural space as opposed to jumbled up
  • IP restrictions to allow for everyone in Company X (for example) to have access to view sights but not require the app - the two present options are all (access) or nothing)
  • When clicking on a link from a sight it links to view only.  Why when if the person has admin does it not look at that and open with the ability to edit
  • Ability to delete more than 5 columns at a time.
  • Ability to generate master templates that push updates to existing project sheets
  • Ability to make mass edits to font type, size from a central location - other than control center
  • Ability to generate requests for updates across multiple sheets, rows, columns
  • Ability to filter on other columns other than primary / rows (this could be a noob issue
  • Ability to import/export to Quip
  • Ability to import colors and not just values or colors alone with no text


  • Shaine Greenwood


    I edited the tags on your discussion for parity with the content of your post.

    To address a few of the items on your bullet point list:

    • I'm not sure what you mean by "Fix the link to sheet bug not showing as a URL/link." Can you provide more information or maybe link me to a community thread?
    • Can you provide me with more information on this as well? I'm not sure what you mean—what are you trying to fix? Unable to unlink what, specifically? Provide me with the exact steps you're taking in Smartsheet.
    • For your items 3-14, please use the Product Enhancement Request form in the Quick links section on the right to submit your feedback, and how you'd use the features you'd like to see, directly to our Product team.

    Our Product team is committed to improving Smartsheet based on feedback from our customers. We may not always reach back out to you directly or provide timeframes on when you'll see features released in the application.

  • JDigrazia

    With the first one - the only way to make a link show is as a link in a report widgit on a sight is with a URL vs link to another sheet.

    With the second - if you generate a link, remove it, then click or it doesn't allow you too. You have to just delete the text in the cell and start over (see attached).  I put in a URL link, deleted it, clicked ok.  It forces me to put in a value.  If I select the link to a Link to other Smartsheet it still sees the top box as empty and errors.

    Unable to unlink.png

  • Shaine Greenwood

    On the second one—thanks for elaborating. Although it's not as elegant, you can select the cell, right-click and select Copy, right-click the same cell again and select Paste Special > Values.

    This will paste the "display text" over the hyperlink, removing the hyperlink.

    On the first one—I'm still trying to understand you. Are you trying to display a sheet link as a URL instead of with the name of the sheet as display text? If that's the case, the behavior you're seeing isn't a bug, this is expected functionality. If you need to display a URL to the sheet, open that sheet, right-click that sheet's name at the top and select Properties. Then highlight and copy the "Secure Sheet Link" (using Ctrl+C) and paste it into your desired cell.

This discussion has been closed.