Can I get a notification when a new collaborator has been added to a sheet?



I have multiple sheets and dashboards created for different departments.

We are allowing editors the ability to add collaborators to their sheets. I need to track who has been added as a new collaborator across all the multiple sheets so I can add these users in their specific groups (which grant them access to view some dashboards).

Is there a way to get a notification every time someone is added or removed as a collaborator?

Best Answer

  • Ivonne Mejia
    Ivonne Mejia ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    In case anyone needs to know everytime a sheet is shared (a new collaborator is added, collaborators are deleted, or permissions are changed) I found a hidden workflow that does that.

    Just go to Automation / Manage Workflow

    From the dropdown list go to the end and select "Basic Workflows..."

    Select "Alert someone when this sheet is shared".

    This is what I needed and it works!
