Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Is there a way to Cc myself on all automated alerts that are sent to contacts in a specific column?


For documentation purposes, I need to Cc myself on all automated alerts that are sent to a vendor to notify the vendor that a warranty claim has been assigned to them. I set up a workflow that sends an alert to each contact that is included in the "Vendor(s)" column, but I have no way of documenting the fact that the vendor received the notification because I'm not Cc'd on the alert email that is sent to the vendor.

I have tried including a "Created By" column that auto populates my email address into each row and sends me the automated alert email at the same time that it sends it to the vendors, however, that doesn't do what I need it to because I need to be on the same email string the vendor is on for documentation purposes.

Basically, I would like to be included on the same email that is sent to the vendor so I can make sure they received the email alert and document that vendor notification.

Is there a workaround that would make this doable? Thanks for your time and help!



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