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From email name for Smartsheet automations: select a generic value versus owner

There should be an option to set a FROM display name for email from smartsheet automation.

Now, these come from "owner via smartsheet" and are confusing, often unrelated to the purpose, not relevant to the form intake workflow, and are a security concern.

When can this be addressed?


208 votes

Available Now! · Last Updated

Workflow builders can now set the From Name of automated alerts, update requests, or approval requests to come from one of the following options: --- Send from Smartsheet Automation --- Send from my organization (Enterprise Plan) --- Send from triggering user (for alerts) or Send from sheet owner (for requests)



  • Does anyone from SmartSheet ever look at these items?

  • Hi @William Lupo

    Yes! The Product team at Smartsheet reviews the top Idea posts on a monthly basis and will provide a Status update.

    The more feedback received will help the team understand the use-case and priority, so please continue to share this post to anyone with the same request to receive their votes and additional context.

    Thank you,


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  • Jeff Reisman
    Jeff Reisman Community Champion

    If I could vote YES for this a million times, I would!

    I could not attend Engage this year, but if y'all want to put this out through the EAP, I will gladly test this... everywhere. 😉 🙏


    Jeff Reisman

    Link: Smartsheet Functions Help Pages Link: Smartsheet Formula Error Messages

    If my answer helped solve your issue, please mark it as accepted so that other users can find it later. Thanks!

  • Bruce Case
    Bruce Case ✭✭✭✭✭

    Currently, automation Email are sent with "{{Owner}} via Smartsheet" in the From Box. Has there been discussion to allow for this to be customizable? Within our Team, I am the Licensed User, and Owner our processes, with my Teammates having an Unlicensed User account. Because I am the Owner, the Email are sent with "Bruce Case via Smartsheet", even though I am not the one supporting that specific process. Thoughts?

  • Currently I set up automated workflows for sheets, however I do not want my name to appear in the workflow notification send

  • Fran
    Fran ✭✭


    Can the workflow be on a department's email address? Or possibly on another person's name instead of someone owns? Or possibly even co-own a specific workflow with someone else? That would be great!

