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From email name for Smartsheet automations: select a generic value versus owner



  • I asked about this way back in June and still nothing

  • AmandaWebb
    AmandaWebb ✭✭✭

    I'm sorry William, I didn't see you had already submitted this idea, and my comment was originally on a submission I had made. Looks like they already corrected that though. Says coming soon, but I guess we'll see...

  • Matthewrh
    Matthewrh ✭✭✭

    This has been "coming soon" for four months, anyone from smartsheet care to provide an update as to when it will be available to use?

  • Ryan Sides
    Ryan Sides Community Champion

    I'm releasing an app that sends alert emails through your Outlook email. I've been a software consultant for the last 15 years and I can't count how many times folks have requested this feature.

    • You can use links and other HTML elements like highlighting, bold, headlines, etc.
    • Pulls in data from Smartsheet fields {{Like This}} into your email message
    • Triggered by a checkbox column
    • Updates a checkbox on your sheet to let you know the email was sent successfully
    • You can choose whether to send the same email each time (i.e. reminders to customers) or have it pull the message text from a column on your sheet (i.e. Approval instructions)

    If you're interested, please send me an email and I'll let you know when it's ready

    Ryan Sides

    Smartsheet Tips and Tricks for Beginners and Advanced on LinkedIn and YouTube

    Come Say Hello!

  • I find it unbelievable that we can't do this yet. I would have assumed that you could either manually select an email address for the FROM field or select a contact field in the form to use as the FROM address. Also keeping all address in the Notification field to the TO line in one email instead of sending separate emails so that discussion threads can happen. Please, please, please make this happen. We have severely broken workflows due to this limitation.

  • Kim A.
    Kim A. ✭✭

    What is the plan for these requests? When will we have the option to edit the "from" address in emails sent from the system?

  • seanw
    seanw ✭✭

    I agree. It would be helpful to allow customization of what displays in the FROM name for any Smartsheet emails (update requests, automation emails, etc.)

  • Deena Duran
    Deena Duran Overachievers

    We have an enterprise license. We cannot have a department as a user. It would be nice to have automations come from the department, if we could manually type that in as the sender.

    Deena Duran, MA (She/Her)

    🌟 Smartsheet Overachiever, Mobilizer, and Early Adopter 🌟

    🎓️ Core App, Project Management, and System Administrator Certified 🏅

    Senior Business Analyst

    University of New Mexico Health Sciences

  • jl.furstenberg
    jl.furstenberg ✭✭✭✭

    I create sheets for program coordinators who work directly with clients. I currently have a sheet with 51 workflows, all ending in email alerts to clients. I want to be able to change the "sent by smartsheet on behalf of" to the program coordinator's email, not mine. I do not have a working relationship with the clients, so my name/email does not mean anything to them. (I am worried about losing client responses).

    I understand that I could change the email if I change the sheet owner to the coordinator; however, this requires a separate smartsheet account and is not feasible for companies that have a lot of sheets/projects and a lot of coordinators (who could get by with editor permissions sans this email limitation).

    It's quite a hindrance that the FROM email cannot be changed within the automatic workflow settings/options. You are really limiting your customers.

  • I received the following from support & followed all instructions. The issue was not resolved. Your mileage may vary.


    I have tried it on my end and it is working properly. As part of the investigation, I suggest you try the workflow again by duplicating the workflow and triggering

    the workflow. To

    duplicate a workflow:

    1. Open the sheet with the workflow
    2. Click Automation > Manage Workflow
    3. Find the workflow where the users unsubscribe from; Click the three dots on the right side then click Duplicate
    4. Save the duplicated workflow
    5. Once you save the workflow, deactivate the original workflow first then try triggering it to see if you are going to receive an email notification with the subject of the triggering user.

    If the issue persists after duplicating the workflow, I suggest that you recreate the whole workflow.


  • kfarrell
    kfarrell ✭✭✭

    Do we have any updates on when this will roll out? Last update from Smartsheet is September 2022 ...

    Project Coordinator