Smartsheet Calendar App vs Calendar View


My team sends out various reports on a daily basis. However, we have to reach out to different teams at different frequencies to ensure that we are sending the most up-to-date reports, as we don't have access to retrieve them manually. Typically, we send reminders using the "reminder" function on our "Report" sheet to reach out to each team. However, I have been exploring the calendar app and was wondering if there are automation capabilities using the calendar app to send reminders to our team's Slack channel with necessary details and information (in addition to other automation capabilities?)

What are the advantages and benefits of using the calendar app versus the calendar view on our actual "Reports" sheet? Do automations run congruently, meaning do saved workflows on the sheet also apply to the calendar app?"


  • Ray Lindstrom
    Ray Lindstrom ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @HAA,

    You may want to consider using the Update Request automation. It can email people for updates based off criteria in your grid. You can specify when the request is sent, what will trigger the request, the message in the email, etc..

    The email the users receive will have a button called "Open update form". When clicking on that form, a webpage opens asking for their update. If it's a dropdown, they're given the dropdown to make their selection. If it's a date field, they're offered the date picker. If it's a text field, they're given a field for that.

    Best of luck!

