Lock column width
I was wondering if there was a way to lock the column width of a sheet. Our sheet has nearly 100 people that need to edit, but I'd like to prevent everyone from adjusting the column widths.
I'd really like to have the ability to lock a column width and/or have the column remember each person's/device's last width setting.
See: https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/87852/lock-column-width
I work with several sheets multiple times a day that I share with a co-editor. Because of differing screen sizes and browser window shapes, we are constantly resizing columns either automatically or on purpose in ways that don't work for the other person.
[Constantly. Multiple times a day. For the past year.]
There really needs to be a way that we can either LOCK the width of a couple key columns, or the sheet should REMEMBER the way I've sized the columns and the way my coworker sized the columns and display the preferred way for each of us.
Add me as a +1 for this:
It's an ongoing peeve that other users can tweak the column width so that I have to readjust it every other day (if not multiple times a day).
I would be nice to allow only admins and owners to lock the column width of desired columns. Right now, any editor can resize a column or shrink the size of frozen columns, which messes up everyone else's reports and requires edits almost every time a user opens a sheet. Maybe have an option for reports to be different settings so individual users can modify column widths on reports but this wouldn't affect the master sheet.
There was a way to lock the column width of a sheet? I'd like to prevent everyone from adjusting the column widths.
I'd really really really really like this to happen soon:
I just went into a sheet, resized the primary column so that it was a few inches wide so I could read more than 2 words, and literally TWO SECONDS later, watched it resize itself to about 1" wide. I've even locked the column and demoted everyone else to 'editor' level and STILL dealing with the stupid resizing issue.
Is this on a bug list somewhere? Any hope that this major annoyance will stop plaguing my productivity soon?
Administrators and owners ought to be able to set and lock column widths in shared sheets......
I have been using Smartsheet for years, and across 3 different companies. I don't recall this ever being an issue until I started using the Desktop App. Now it is really frustrating having to resize my primary column width over and over during the day. Please allow me to lock the width of this primary column.
I am so glad i am not the only one who deals with such nonsense hourly / daily here. I got so annoyed with a few higher level reports being changed minutes before they are exported as PDF's via email distribution that i removed everyone's access from those few reports and only gave them a published view access. This prevents anyone from going into the reports and altering the layouts, but i shouldn't have to go this extreme by literally hiding some of these reports because people won't listen or respect the sheets layouts. I've had to create duplicate sheets / reports (hide them from all access), lock columns/rows and directly link to the main sheets using formulas so that i can avoid some of this and many other issues i have.
Hopefully someone will listen to us and implement this much needed request, or else i (and maybe others) will be forced to be the bad guy and just start hiding/locking sheets to keep their format/layout intact (such childish behavior we have to do when people act like children, lol)
Julie Becker ☠️
Construction Project Engineer / Coordinator & Software Program Oversight Mgr. 😉
Successful People Are Not Gifted; They Just Work Hard, Then Succeed On Purpose‼️
We should be able to set the specific width of columns for sheets and reports and decide as Admins whether they are locked. This is especially an issue when trying to size report columns to fit in a Dashboard (that needs to be printed to PDF) when anyone can change the report column sizes as they please. In sheets the freeze column setting gets messed up when people change column widths to suit their own screen size.
Adrian Mandile
CHESS Consulting Australia - Smartsheet Solution Provider Gold Partner
Collaborative | Holistic | Effective | Systems | Solutions
bump - this is important
It would be super helpful to be able to lock a default view and let people change their own view, but have the document return to default on next open.
I'm glad to know that I'm not crazy and the only one having this issue. It pains me to have this much technology and have to work so manually.
Coming here to upvote the idea. Will have several dozens of people working on sheets and reports and would like to lock the column width, so that users are not impacted by others resizing columns.
yes please!
This would be great! Please make it happen!
it's "on radar" - YEAH!