When sending alerts and requests through automation, we currently have the option to send a message including either all fields, specific fields or the message only.
For my particular organisation(and i would imagine many others), none of these options work. We have dynamic forms that build themselves based on answers and then logic. Forms have anywhere between 75-150 fields, most of which are logic and formula driven. However, only between 10-25 of these will actually be filled in by users, with any remaining left blank.
The issue we then have is when email notifications are received, they contain all 75-150 fields regardless of whether they were filled in or not. This looks both untidy and makes the email extremely long. Printing becomes an issue too as the document stretches over many pages even though the answered fields could fit onto one.
We cannot use the "specific fields" option as the fields submitted will differ from form to form so an ideal solution would be an option to omit blank fields entirely.
This would be a huge quality of life improvement for many SS users.
When sending row information for automated workflows. It would be easier if only fields that contained data were sent. The idea is to include an option to "exclude when blank". The workflow creator will specify which fields they want sent over as they do currently. You just add a box that they can select if they don't want any blank fields sent. We have a form that users complete and there is field logic so that not all fields have data in them. The recipient of the form gets notified when the form is submitted and the data fields are sent over. Currently they are getting a lot of empty fields and it is time consuming to get to the relevant data.
This would be beneficial for our team.
I am looking for this exact option! I wish we could omit blank fields on our approval email.
This is exactly what's needed for my reporting also
This would be a beneficial feature for Smartsheet to implement. I've had a lot of requests for this recently, especially as our teams utilize the automations to streamline workflows more and more each day.
It would be great if you could send an approval or an update request and be able to send only fields that contain data. I have had many times where we have a sheet that can handle various types of data and when sending automations, it makes the emails so clunky with all of the fields, many of them blank.
Would like the option to make a message include "all non-blank fields" as we have large intake forms and sheets with 150+ columns, and our only options for automations is All Fields which is so large we have to send as an update request, or Select specific fields to cover all possible scenarios which still can be 80+ fields, also having to be sent as an update request.
Bumping this thread because this feature so ridiculously obviously needed. For the love of logic, please implement the ability to "Omit Blank Fields" from automated alerts/update requests! This is an embarrassing shortcoming for Smartsheet and its users.