Filter to show Current User must be Contact List column
I noticed this new feature to show the Current User is in the Jan 17 2017 Product Release, but I dont' think the Help Article has been updated on this...maybe I missed it. To clarify, if you want to use this feature to create a Filter that shows the current user logged in, you must set the Column type as a Contact List. I…
I’ve been tasked w/ creating a sign-in sheet/roster tracking when and how often volunteers are volunteering. Looking to have either one person manages or have individual volunteers sign-in and mark off. Would like fields: Full Name, Function, Date, Time-In and Time-Out – and have the ability to sort by volunteer name or…
Update request to mailer doesn't work?
Is there an accepted practice for sending an update request to multiple people? A contact column can only accept one contact rather than a list. I tried sending an update to a pre-defined mailer list, but when I send these requests, no-one on the mailer receives the email?! I can see the email being sent because I am on cc…
resource-based Notifications per line item
Hi community I recently created a sheet which employees in our company can complete through a webform. I was wondering if it is possible to send a notification to one of our team members in case a certain field is chosen (dependency driven notifications). For example, if a record is added by an employee and one of the…
Conditional Statements
Hi Everyone, I would like to as add formula to the start date and finish date of the task/project like, if the duration is less than 3days, the result will "rush fee applies" like a note. And, another formula is for language services or any other; language checks box yes or no if I click on yes those languages will appear…
Work around to formulas across sheets
I am working with 2x sheets - one a CRM, the other a job list. I would like to be able to flag on the Job list when a customer name is entered which is not already in the CRM. In Excel I could use a combination of ISERROR & MATCH to achieve this, however from what I can work out formulas across sheets is not possible on…
Encoding for importing csv file
Hello My csv file to import contacts has accented characters and these ones are not recognized (or badly converted) when importing. I tried my file with UTF-8, UTF-8-without BOM and ANSI encoding and same result for all 3. Does anyone solved this kind of issue? If i use the same file to import new user, accented characters…
How do I remove erronous contacts from the All Contacts repository?
I am the Admin on our company account. I have updated the User Management and My Smartsheet Contacts with the most accurate employee list. When I am assigning out or updating tasks, there are still erroneous and duplicate contacts in the All Contacts list. How do i remove them to avoid confusion? Thanks!
Maintaining a list of small department's resources
My compny is small (about 15-20 resources with limited turnover). To allow all users to work` w1ith the same list of resources as I undestand it, because contact lists are not shared, each user (or maybe just PM) would need to create (or import) a list of names/emails that would then be available to assign to tasks using…
Contacts and Web forms
Hi Everyone, I am relatively new to smartsheets and there are two things I have been trying to work out adn for the life of me can not find the information to show how its done. The first is having a field aut populate based on picking a contact e.g Contact name = Gary Bee then the next cell should auto popolate with Gary…