Transfer Person to Another Account
I'm having to go through an exercise of transferring some users in our account to another new account. The user is a licensed users and owns sheets, etc. The receiving account has available licenses to accept the user. How do I go about moving the person and their owned items to the new account? I tried to remove them from…
Smartsheet Referral Program
Hi, Wanted to check if smartsheet has any referral program (where existing user introduces new users) ? If yes, how does the same work ? Have tried checking the app but unfortunately couldnt find any such information pertaining to referrals there. However there is a Smartsheet Referral Agreement available on web thus not…
Resource Management
Hello, I am trying to use the Resource Management function but I am unable to connect to the URL: https://rm.smartsheet.eu/ I get the following message: "You aren't associated with any organizations. Your Smartsheet credentials aren't associated with any Resource Management organizations. Ask your Admin to invite you to…
Request to Filter Deactivated Users from Contact List Columns
Currently when a column is setup to follow the "Contact List" functionality, the list of users it offers as selections includes users that have been marked as deactivated. Could Smartsheets instead exclude these users from the listing to ensure Project Managers don't accidentally assign task rows to users who are no longer…
Automated Workflow - Mutiple sheets to one sheet
I have an automated workflow set up on multiple sheets to move rows to one sheet when an action is triggered. I've noticed it only works on one sheet. Does that automation only work on one sheet or is there a way to have multiple sheets move rows to one sheet? Thanks!
Resource management authentication
Hello,I am the Smartsheet administrator for my organization.When I click on "Resource Management" in the left menu, I get the message: "Ask your Resource Management administrator to enable Smartsheet authentication."I've searched everywhere but can't find how to do this.I would like to specify that I am on a "Business"…
Merged: Dynamic View: Attachments Through Comments
This discussion has been merged.
Merged: Copy automations across sheets
This discussion has been merged.
Removing A User - Try Again Later?
I am attempting to remove a former system admin from our account. I've removed her from all groups, revoked her license and all sharing, deactivated her and now when I try to remove her from the account, I get an error that says "Try Again Later - insert username here can't be removed at this time. Try to remove them again…
Email Domain Validation Now Extended to Business Plans!
December 26th, 2024 Hi Community, As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance security, from now on only System Administrators can modify a user's primary email address and will be limited to changes within the current domain of the user’s existing primary email address (domain validation). This was already available for…