How can I delegate my smartsheet actions to others when I'm on vacation?
I am going on vacation and realized that my smartsheets need someone to manage them while I'm away. The only way I was this was to manually update every automation that includes me and add my vacation backup. It would be great if there was a way to set my profile to away and delegate someone else to act on my behalf. Is…
Invitation to View link prompts password creation for an established user
Hello, An invitation to view link that was sent to one of our users prompts a password creation screen in Smartsheet when clicked, even though they already have a Smartsheet account and a few shared reports. (Page reads "Let's get started - Set up your password". See attached) Subsequent attempts to log in to Smartsheet as…
Adim Access causes Circular Reference Error
Why when I give someone Admin access to a sheet used in a lookup formula, am I getting a Circular Reference Error? And as soon as I change access to Edit only the error goes away?
Do dashboards and reports count as 'sheets'?
Hello All, Due to the limit of 100 sheets per user on the business plan we often try to spread the sheet ownership between the licenced users. What I haven't fully figured out yet is whether dashboards and reports take up 'sheets' or whether your total owned sheet count only refers to actual sheets?
Can the Sys Admin view the overall user activity in Center of Excellence for the assigned account?
As part of the Smartsheet roll out at our company, we 'assigned' our paid license employees several Center of Excellence Training Modules/Courses with different dates to get them completed. I am the Sys Admin and trying to verify who has completed their modules and who has not. Do I as the Sys Admin have access to view all…
Does Smartsheet have a way of showing hours spent working within the account?
I work at a manufacturing company & have implemented Smartsheet to be used within every department. Right now I am currently the only admin who creates and/or updates the sheets, reports & dashboards etc. We have over 300 active sheets. Needless to say, it has become a full time job all by itself. Unfortunately, I also…
Import to smartsheet is unable to auto-assign tasks - any plans to address this?
Dear Smartsheet, The issue - import of a google/excel sheet containing an "Assigned To" column fails to assign to known smartsheet users any of the tasks listed in the file that was imported with matching user names/email addresses * The specific problem is that even though the name or email address values in the file…
Published User issue
The Activity Log properly logs the system users and their activities. What shows is the user's name and the activity info. I notice however, that several entries in the log lists "Publised User" as the person whose acivity is tracked. How do I tell who this "published user" is, and why isn't the user's nme listed instead?
Automated Workflows
Hello, I have set up an Automated Workflow to request an updated due date from the Assigned To person once their due date has passed. They are Shared to the sheet and are telling me they cannot update their row because they are View Only. Is this correct?
how to delete multiple unaccepted invitations?
Hello, I have a question about user management I would like to delete 50 unaccepted invitations. Line by line is long. Is it possible to do it all at once? Thanks