Search functionality on attachment contents?
We are wanting to move our documents from SharePoint to Smartsheet. However, one small benefit of SharePoint is that a search done will return results of those keywords if they are in the body of the document, not just the title (excluding PDF's). Is this a function that will be made available in the near future for…
Attachment in Smartsheet
Hi All , I use to have a trail Smartsheet account and its was working perfect with drag and dop files for the attachment but after i obtain the corporate license the only way to attached file ids from google drive !! Any idea why that happen???
How can I tell how much data a sheet is using?
We have a particular sheet in which we're attaching short audio clips. However, I know that audio can eat up space rather quickly, so I'm wanting to know how much space that particular sheet is using. I've clicked on the properties, but don't see a data total within that area. Blessings, Loann
File Upload
We are considering using smartsheets, but noticed on the Product Tour page -> File Sharing, it indicates that the user can upload files to Google Drive, Bix, Dropbox, and Evernote. Our organization prohibits the use of all of these with the exception on the Corporate Google Drive. Is there anyway to limit the Upload of…
Dragging attachments to rows
Good day, Dragging Docs/Photos to the Row attachments pop-up does not seem to work. The only way is to locate file in Finder. Is this a known issue?
Preparing the Process
Hi to everyone I would like share with others users my questions about peparing the sheet for organize the jobs of the company where I work to see what are you guys think about this subject. I have to organize and follow every job of the company. The company have a lot of jobs (many hundreds) and in each jobs have about 15…
Link to external spreadsheet
I would like to link to an external Excel spreadsheet that has multiple tabs. I understand that I can attach the spreadsheet, but I'd like the ability for all our users to edit just one spreadsheet in real-time (vs. editing and re-attaching after each edit). Is this possible?
smartsheet and Enfocus Switch integration
I'm a new user and with my basic understanding I can see the potentential of Smartsheet and Switch downstream. For example the data from a form could be picked up by Switch using email notifications. My question; has anyone managed the reverse? Smartsheet accepting data from Switch and merging it with an existing sheet.…
Attachments and Outlook
Many of my attachments are emails in Outlook. Is there a way to drag a .msg directly from Outlook into Smartsheet?
On completion of a smartsheet web form can a user be given the option to download an excel attachmen
We have a link to a Smartsheet web form on our website and we want users to be able to download an excel file once they have filled in the form and not before. Is this possible and if so, how is it done please?