Automate Flagging at risk task based on approaching due date
Hi Community, I am looking to automate flagging a task if it comes within two weeks of one of its two due dates (each task has a recommendation date and approval date) and its currently not complete (of which there are two opportunities for it to be complete, the recommendation and the approval). The task must have a…
Copy Row using Automantion via a Trigger cause TWO rows to be created
SHEET A: Trigger: When rows are added or changed AND when "assigned to" changes to any value Action: copy a row SHEET B EXAMPLE/ISSUE: Sheet A Row 1 is "assigned to" Joe This row is then copied to the Sheet B YEA! however Joe quits Sheet A Row 1 "assigned to" is changed to Sally A second row is then copied (via trigger…
Include child rows in approval request
Hi all, I'm hoping that you can help me find an easy solution to an issue I'm facing. I publish two monthly newsletters (External and Internal editions in the screenshot below) and the first step of my prep work is to have my manager approve my proposed lineup for each edition. I'd like to send an approval request or…
Datamesh Immediate Timing/Contact Email Address
Hi, Any suggestions to increase speed of "Immediate" in Datamesh? Today, immediate seems to be at least 4 minutes. What can I do to speed this up? Datamesh source and target are the same sheet. (Pick 1st Match, Copy Data Over, Update Immediate) Data is being entered through Dynamic View. Datamesh is copying a contact field…
Multiple Results Formula
Hello! everyone I was wondering if someone could help me with a formula We have an audit schedule based on 5 years and I currently have the "Count" essentially telling me how many times a topic was audited in the past 5 years. What I would like to generate is - "in which years was the exact same topic audited?" which would…
Record a date automation not working?
I have a task list, and I want to use automation to supply the date the checkbox gets checked. Here is my workflow: Am I misunderstanding this workflow? Do I need another condition in there somewhere? Absolutely nothing happens in this sheet when I check the boxes. Thanks!
Control Center optional template issue
Hi All, We are using Control Center for our projects, we use it with 4 different countries and every country has it own set of templates that they can select when creating a project. So in total we have 16 optional templates that are unrequired and unselected. The country then selects their own 4 templates. And creates the…
Automation to updates all with same name in the primary column?
Hi, I primary columns with customer ID's. I have date columns I put today's day in when I have contacted that client. What I need is, when I put a date in the date in the column, is to have all the customer with the same ID in the primary column to have the date column also fill. Or a help column auto fill with a text or a…
Smart Sheet API GET Rows not wokring
Hi all, I am using the smart sheet api to read and update a rows values. I am performing this task using a python script and then requests library. My current code setup looks something like this ------------------------------------ import requests Test = "_________________________________________" url =…
Ongoing Performance Evaluation Setup Dashboard - Form Won't Populate
Hi - I was asked to set up this dashboard: The template has been downloaded and the new workspace has been created. The form is set up, and when I did a test fill out of the form, the data went to the "Feedback: Positive" report, (which populated onto the feedback portion of the dashboard) but the data won't populate to…