Automated Reporting
In our organisation we prepare a number of different reports to different levels within the organisation. A lot of this information can be duplicated across different groups and levels. I am wondering whether we could create a sheet to capture these reporting updates from teams, through direct entry into the sheet, or…
Rows added/Changed Trigger automation is not working based on columns referencing another sheet?
I have a sheet that is supposed to move rows to another sheet if a column is checked. Well its not working. It only works if I manually change a cell within that row. In the second screenshot above, in the "d" column, there's a lookup formula that checks if the column to its left is not blank. If column "d" is not blank…
User Access Review and Approval
Hello, I am trying to create a workflow for role owners to review and approve their user access. Role Owners have multiple users- so I don't want to have an email go out for each user. Has anyone created a report like this?
Formula to return 'TBA' if cell contains text 'TBA'
Hi, I'm currently using this formula which works: =IF([\[H\] Variance (%)]@row < 0, "Under Budget", IF([\[H\] Variance (%)]@row = 0, "On Budget", IF(AND([\[H\] Variance (%)]@row > 0, [\[H\] Variance (%)]@row < 0.15), "Moderate Budget Overrun", IF([\[H\] Variance (%)]@row > 0.15, "Significant Budget Overrun")))) However, I…
Alert someone automation - Not including attachments
Is anyone noticing that a automation of alert someone is not including attachments of that row, even if its to send all rows, comments and attachments? If I right click on the row and send it, it includes everything - but not on a automation.
I am trying to create Workflows based on varying frequency and day row is added.
I have a Smartsheet that gets updated with new data every Monday. As soon as a row is added, the project manager gets a notification to set the "Reporting Frequency". This can be Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or Monthly. The first Thursday after the row is added, a Buyer should receive a workflow that requests updates. Then the Buyer…
JIRA Sync To Smartsheets Not Syncing
The Problem: JIRA is actually not auto syncing like it should to pull in tickets automatically into smartsheets Notice: The workflow is set correctly to sync JIRA fields to smartsheets The Problem: We have to go into this workflow manually, edit it, then let it run every day. This is NOT automatic syncing like its intended…
Automated Email: Reply-To Email: How to set.
Hi, I understand that it's either the owner or the triggering participant who will be getting an email if the recipient of the automated email were to simply reply. Is there a way for me to control if the reply-to email will be the owner's email or the trigger-er's? I have both cases going on in my sheet and it's not…
Need some suggestions with highlighting info on a tracker
Hello everyone, I am looking for some creative support with a sheet that compiles milestones and dates from other trackers to an aggregated sheet with linked cells. The purpose is to share dates/milestones for each project with each column being a different project and the vertical axis being the milestone or deliverable…
Automation Single select - Change cell value
Hi, I have single select with Group A, Group B and Group C. The goal is that when the person filling out the form picking one of these that one of these groups that on the sheet the price per unit fills out. If in an automation can I set it up so when a new row is added, depending on what single select group was picked,…