How to generate dates faster through automated workflows?
I have a sheet that sends automatic update requests once a new row is added. Once a new row is added through a form, the creation date is automatically generated to the current date and also a follow-up date is generated automatically at the creation of the new row. However, the dates do not generate quickly enough and so…
Automation for Column Help
I am interested in using the automation for our inventory. Currently we have our sheet set up with two columns Current Stock and Re Order stock. We are trying to have a workflow where if column Current re stock is equal to Re Order stock it send an email that its time to reorder this specific item. We are running into an…
Record a Date in the future
The record a date automation is great. Just wondering if its on your roadmap at all to allow the ability to set the date recorded to be X days/months/yrs in the future. Eg, if a product doesnt have an expiry date, I want the date 2 yrs from today to be automatically recorded in the Expiry Date cell. Other work around…
Sending Smartsheet notifications to MSFT Teams with Control Centre
In relation to having a notification sent from Smartsheet to Teams, I have an issue where I have an automation in a sheet within the project folder (that would be created via Control Centre), that is setup to push a notification to a Teams site once a Project Manager submits their request. Once they create the project with…
Alerts in Automation Not Working?
Anyone else having problems with Alerts not working in automation? I have multiple solutions with alerts and none are working. I have tested with internal email addresses and external. All other automations seem to be working including "Request an Approval".
Why are there 2 emails that are sent out when using these Request Approval Automations.
Hi all, I have an issue where I have 2 automations. One is an initial request for approval and the other is a reminder email with the option of also approval in the reminder email. After responding to either, I wanted to send an acknowledgement email saying that we got your response, but the email is sending twice when you…
Automation Email in Two Different Formats
I saved a sheet as new, in a new workspace, and my automation is working differently on the original sheet vs the Newley created sheet. The automation is exactly the same (Send x row in an email with x specific columns to x person) When I do it on the original sheet it gives me the full row horizontal view that is neigh…
How to automate or move cell values when a date is in the past week?
Here is a tracker of a 10-weeks look ahead of number of hours to spend in project from Monday-Friday which are highlighted in blue cells. The Start Week and End week changed if a date is based on current week. Which means 9-Jun-2024 will be the current week by next week , correct? The problem now is the no. of hours is…
Automating a change in value when a condition is met at another sheet
I have two smartsheets with part numbers. When a request for a part number is made, I want to decrement the number on hand that is kept in another smartsheet. How can I link the two smartsheets and automate the mathematical subtraction?
Automation: Trigger only when an attachment is added
In sheet automation, it seems that you can get an alert if an attachment is added, but only if rows are added or changed. We want an alert when an attachment is added even if no data is changed. How can we accomplish that?