Auto Date Calculation
Hi Very new to SmartSheet, I am trying to create a Purchase Tracking sheet that can be used for Payment Schedule. Here is what I have " Invoice Date" This I put it manually whenever I receive an invoice from my vendor. I also have another cell "Droplist" which state payment terms like 30/60/90 days. What i need is 1) A…
Project Dashboard Generator
I am trying to develop a dashboard generator so that I don't have to recreate every report I use in our dashboards each time we have a new project. I would like to be able to select the project number in one location and have all the reports reference that project number to pull data from their respective sources, then…
linked cells
I am trying to find an answer prior to initiating a link. My Smart Sheet changes frequently and sometimes daily or hourly. Rows in the Smart Sheet are determining the order in which the projects will be drilled. The schedule will then change and the rows will be reordered to depict a new "drill date". Here is my question.…
Smartsheet Merge and Transpose
Hello, I have two sheets. One sheet is a list of items to be offered at a charity auction with a different row for each item and columns with specific (Item number, donor, minimum bid, winning bidder number, cost etc). The 2nd sheet is a list of the bidders with a sum of the total that they have bid (bidder number, count…
Linking Sheets
Due to the 200 column limit in a sheet, I have had to split my data into multiple sheets, using the project name as the Primary Column for each sheet. I know how to links cells and use IF formula to pull the Project Name column data, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to automate it, where if I add a project…
Multiple Links to Another Sheet
Hello. I have several sub sheets that feed into a master sheet. In the master, all the tasks and columns of the sub sheets appear. We're having vendors update the sub sheets, and when they do this, their inputs are linked to our internal master sheet. What I want to do is EASILY set up multiple (and numerous) cell links…
email lookup
hi, Is there a way that if I choose a name from a drop down box in one column it will show the appropriate email address in another column? regards, Mark
Pulling data from one sheet to another
Hello: In Sheet 1, I have Column A that lists courses to be developed in the next term. There are several rows, but not every row contains a course. Row 1---BUS 123 Row 2---CUL 232 Row 3--- Row 4---DSH 343 Row 5---ENT 111 Row 6--- Row 7--- Row 8---HSM 399 In Sheet 2, I would like to include the list of courses from Sheet 1…
Using Excel as primary data source
I've been reading about the Live Data Connector feature in Smartsheet, but it doesn't sound as though it will solve my dilemma. I have a situation where highly confidential data in an Excel worksheet cannot (per policy) be stored in the cloud. However, not all of the data in the worksheet is highly confidential, and I…
count if formula help
Was hoping to get some tips on the following use case. I set up a Smartsheet to track all my organization's training accreditations. This includes (student, assigned coach, product course, accreditation level, status, etc.). I want to create a formula that counts the number of open engagements per coach. This will help me…