Cell Links Broken - Issue
Has anyone seen any updates regarding the Cell Linking issue? I reported it on Thursday, but they say it's in their Tier 3 team's hands for investigation. Thanks!
linking two columns togther
Hello Everyone, I have two columns, one has the name of the customer "name" and the other column has the number we assigned to the customer "number". I am trying to link these two for example, let us say if I type 111 in the number column the name joe will appear in the name column, and the other way around. If I write joe…
How do you pull form data in sights directly from a sheet?
I am trying automate pulling data entered in the form, that pulls into the sheet to then pull into a sight without using a report as the formatting is not very good, can anyone help?] I have attached a screen shot to support above. Thanks
Master sheet overview
Hi I am currently working in a team where many projects (not necessarily related) are running alongside each other. We would like to create a smart sheet master template/dashboard that allows the project manager to manage his/her own smart sheet for the given project themselves, while all the data from the particular…
Ticketing Sheet: Update Request to Group?
I'm using the ticket template and want to use the update request feature. Currently it seems like the only way to do an update request is to assign it to a specific user, which doesn't make sense if you have an entire department working on tickets at different times of day. How do you request an update to a ticket (row)…
Links with Logic
I have two sheets that I want to share information across. Sheet1 contains hundreds of part number records and standard data fields required for each part number. Sheet2 contains essentially a task list of needs to be addressed each of the part numbers on Sheet1. The amount of tasks per part number is highly variable and…
Automatically Adding Subtasks
I am working to create a Kanban Sheet and Cardview for continuous projects that we do in our office. We have the same subtasks associated with each client through 3 various phases. Is there a way that when I add a new client or Primary/Parent Task, that the same subtasks are automatically added? Thanks for your help!
Forms and formulas
Hello, I am new to Smartsheets and am creating a form to send out and collect orders from customers. Now the form works but I need it to populate the new rows that get added with pricing from another sheet. Is this possible as I am not finding any info on this but then again I am new to the site. I would also like to know…
Pull data from one sheet to another
I have a sheet that contains a list of expense transactions. In that sheet, I have a checkbox column and if the expense is tax deductible, I check that box for that line item. I would like a new sheet to pull over and list just the transactions that are checked as deductible. So that what I end up with is a list of tax…
Auto Cell Linking With Templates
I need a way to auto link a row from new sheets with a master sheet because I am constantly using a template to create new project sheets containing the same info categories on each one but it takes up to much space to have all the projects on one sheet so i opted for individual project sheets. I need to be able to add key…