Hi guys whenever I am trying to multiply my Vlookup cell with another cell it gives a Value error. I have linked web data to other sheets and have a vlookup for specific data in cell D6. In G6 I then want to multiply D6 by a value in F6 using =D6*F6, but a value error occurs. I have also tried copying and pasting the…
I have a status column and one of my choices you can pick is "Completed" . When you pick "Completed" I want to set the date in the next column to the date that "Complete" was selected and I don't want the date to change once it is set unless the status changes from "Complete"
Hello I hope you are all well. With document builder I am getting wrong results. please see the attached result some help?
Would love to be able to have the file names for Generated Documents from the Document Builder be dynamic. If we could have it concatenate text from a field/column that would be ideal, similar to the {{column name}} function we have in automations. Right now it just names them all whatever the template is.
Missed the webinar? Watch the recording. Create custom documents with row data and advance your business processes faster using document builder, the newest product capability from Smartsheet. In this webinar, learn how to: Map columns in your sheet to the fields in a fillable PDF. Quickly generate custom invoices,…