When Sharing, Message Loses Paragraph Breaks
When we send a message to users while sharing a sheet, the email used to display the carriage returns and paragraph breaks. Now, it lumps the sentences together and they look like run-on ideas. See screenshot. Is there something I'm missing?
Send update request to a 'group'
Hi All, new to smartsheet so apologies if this has already been asked but still finding my feet. I can see I can send a mail to group from the row but I want to be able to send an update request to a group, if a member of the group updates and sends a comment then I can see that it was updated by Steve@... I have tried…
=IF formula ???
I am trying to create an alert formula. I need to contact people every 15 days. I have one cell that states "Last contact" and the date, another that states "Next contact"and the date, the third cell, I would like it to state "Contact" in red. Can anyone help me formulate the "Contact" cell?
Feature Request - Mobile - Send Rows via E-mail (or Send Update)
I was wondering if there is something in the pipeline already for adding the Send or Send Update Request via the mobile app. This would help with our mobile team for providing or asking for updates from colleagues. Or if someone is already aware of a way of doing it. Thanks
Conditional Notifications
I would like to be able to set up a conditional notification that allows the next "assigned to" person to automatically receive a notification when the task before theirs is completed or checked. There are about 5-7 different people that would need to receive this type of notification. Does anyone know how I can easily set…
Limit to number of notifications?
Hi, Is there a limit to the number of notifications you can use per sheet? Thanks for your assistance.
Change which Email Address is used when sending emails
I have a sheet in a workspace that I want to send as a PDF attachment on a reoccurring basis via email. When it sends - it is FROM "my name via Smartsheet" and then user@smartsheet.com. I want it to come from another name - not my name. Is that possible? I assume it is if I change my name on my account it will do this…
Features that Smartsheet Should Add
I am sure that most of you have a list of things that you would like from Smartsheet. I have a short list to get us started. Lets add to this and see if they can make it happen! 1 - Ability to paste more than 50 rows at a time. * 2 - Extend the 5,000 row per sheet limit. * 3 - Ability to create a new sheet based off of a…
Automatic email when column is "completed"
I am creating a "request sheet" for our company to use to request help in different areas. I used the web form to create the sheet and the user can get an email and those of us that are currently shared members can get an email, but I want to be able to have an automatic email sent to the "requester" when the row is…
Automatic alerts/notifications triggered when tasks are marked as complete
Is there a way to have alerts be sent out automatically notifying the next team member that a dependency they were waiting on is now done based on tasks being marked as complete?