Smartsheet Enhancement Request: Snapshot/Print Workflows
I have made several workflows that were fairly large for different applications in smartsheet. I would like to have a simple function to print/pdf the workflows so as to see all of one at once. This would help me with design, troubleshooting, and communicating the process to those involved in it. I have submitted an…
Conditional formatting legend
I would love to offer a legend for users to understand the conditional formatting for a given sheet. Not all users are able to see the rules and may not remember what the formats indicate. Adding a button or pop-up banner/tool tip would be a great improvement. I try to use the column description when I can, but the…
Remove all conditional formatting options
It would be nice to have the option to select all/some conditional formatting that need to be removed. Some sheets have many and even though they can be disabled, they need to be removed for structural changes.
Remove all Workflows options
It would be great to provide an option to remove all workflows on a given sheet instead of having to click through each workflow. Alternatively, when a workflow is deactivated, the admin will be allowed to delete columns even though there is a deactivated workflow in place. The pop up should stay but an admin or owner…
Editing in progress suggestion
Hello, I have been using Smartsheet for many years and have built many solutions. Over the past year, my role has been to develop solutions in Smartsheet as we've launched a new department. With a new department, we have many new processes to develop and many "firsts". With so much innovation embedded in our processes, our…
Recurring Alerts/Update Requests for an entire sheet.
Hi, I have noticed that the criteria for sending update requests to an individual in a 'contacts' column can be set for a specific date, but I am looking for the ability to send a routine monthly reminders/updates to these individuals on a recurring basis. It appears the functionality for routine updates exist at a Row…
New "Workload Features" creating projects in Resource Management
I noticed today that I have a bunch of new random projects in Resource Management - whose owners are users who don't have RM access. My best guess is that the new "Workload Features" are creating projects in RM whenever a user clicks on it. Is that correct? Here's the issue.... I have enough trouble keeping RM clean and…
Smartsheet App - Sharing Workspaces and Sheets
When I share a sheet or workspace on the browser version of Smartsheet, I have the ability to check/uncheck notify people. I would like that same feature on the app. Currently there is no box to check or uncheck, it defaults to sending an email to the person I am sharing to. In my organization, we do not like to send…
MM/DD/YYYY Date Format
Can we please add a MM/DD/YYYY date format to Smartsheet? I would like to feed this date into some DocuSign forms I need employees to complete, but they require a MM/DD/YYYY format in order for me to be able to utilize these dates.
Merged: Date Format
This discussion has been merged.