Sorting by Date in Card View
I was hoping this was a simple item, but I plan on having hundreds of items in a dozen or more lanes on a card view, and I thought it would be simple to assume I could put the most current item (date) at the top of the lane without having to drag it to the top :-(. Alas, I see this is not only not a feature, but it seems…
Auto Number Primary Column
Of the various data types a new column can use, it is logical that the Primary Column can only be Text/Number or Auto Number. However, Auto Number is not an option as of now. I would like to request having Auto Number be an option for the Primary Column. There are many applications of intake or request sheets are used…
Remove Restrictions for all Start/Finish and Duration Entry(via Formula on all date fields).
The core idea behind the request - Manufacturing Projects are based on time duration of work not any given start date. (keeping resource monitoring) Being able to enter an(one) end date at the bottom (or reference), each rows' duration field feeds a formula to calculate the start/finish dates per row action. Making project…
Copy & Paste Contact Cells between Sheets
Currently only able to copy and paste contact cells on a single sheet.
Formula to count of items in a multi dropdown list
Hi The drop-down multi select is very nice and useful. I started to use it yesterday, but I need to use the formula =countif(range, criterion). I want to count how many times a value is repeated in a range that has multi values. I use the formula countif and only count one time a repeated value when the cell have multiple…
Customize the one click down for Card View or Gantt View in Reports
When you double click into a card/ gantt line, would love the ability to only show a sub selection of whatever columns were picked in the report vs someone having access to all that's available from the original sheet. Currently when we create reports, we love the clean view of only a few data points in a card view or…
Fix Auto-Send via Excel - data is not exporting correctly
I've raised this issue to Smartsheet Support and have basically been told that the formatting issue that is persistent from Smartsheet to Excel via the auto-send feature is not a problem, per se, but would fall under the product enhancement category. Sadly, this is a very disheartening as the feature auto-sends just like…
Connect Jira- Smartsheet-Resource Management
Currently RM does not work with Jira imported dates per this article. We would like this to change so that all our platforms work together
OneDrive Dashboard Shortcut - Link Options
Please add the ability to modify OneDrive links. Right now you select a file but there are no options about what type of link is being used for the shortcut. It would be nice to have access to the OneDrive Sharing Settings so you could choose who the link is available to and whether it is Edit or View Only. Thanks
Jira Connector - Security Risk with Bi-Directional and Manual Push workflow options
When a bi-directional or manual push workflow is created in the Jira Connector the connector does not respect Jira licensing or permissions. The connector only verifies the user creating the workflow and, when run against a smartsheet, the smartsheet owner has Jira access. This creates a very large security risk and a…