Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

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Ability to copy all content pertaining to a row to another Smartsheet including comments

Need the ability to copy all content pertaining to a row to another Smartsheet.

Use Case - Project manager wants to track project data on a Smartsheet. The tracking is done in the terms of:

Week 1 discuss training, technical deliverable, discuss networking, etc.

Current State: PM marks the technical deliverable as "In Progress" and advices technical team to filter out all except for the "In Progress" data. This is an okay process but can be refined.

Use Case: The technical team wants a single location to find deliverables and update status so they don't have to scroll through the project plan and find where they need to make updates.

We would like to build a Technical Smartsheet and link it to the Project Plan. The technical team uses the Technical Smartsheet to update statuses, add attachments, make comments, etc. That data is linked to the Project Plan so the appropriate rows are automatically updated when the technical team updates the Technical Deliverables Smartsheet.

This allows the PM to have what they need for the Project Plan and saves the technical team time by only utilizing the Technical Smartsheet.

Tammy Sutton, CSM, CSPO

Project Manager | MilkTracker

AngelEye Health

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