Maximum Concurrent Tasks
Working with a multi-family developer building multiple apartment buildings on the same project. Trying to get in front of bottlenecks in the schedule where we're expecting multiple crews in multiple buildings and end up short staffing or over staffing. For instance, Row 58 the Framer should be starting Task "Wall Framing"…
Gantt chart is not available to persons involved
Hi there, we have shared our smartsheet with the sales team, for example. These people have been invited to the smartsheet with their email address and also have access to the normal table view. Unfortunately, however, they cannot access the Gantt view. Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be?
Gantt hour-by-hour
Dear Smartsheet team, We have been using Smartsheet for many years and have found one major area our administrative efforts are redundant is copying over tasks into our Calendar to manage hour-by-hour dependencies. In an ideal scenario our Outlook, Google Calendar, and or Apple Calendars would all sync to the SmartSheet…
Constraint Types in Gantt View
Requesting the ability to use constraint types in a project (Gantt view), similar to the options in MS Project: As Late as Possible As Soon as Possible Finish No Earlier Than Finish No Later Than Must Finish On Must Start On Start No Earlier Than Start No Later Than
Time slots on calander?
We have a machine we want our coworkers to start requesting, daily and hourly. So if Joe wants to use the machine, he could go to the calendar and see an empty time slot between 1pm-2pm and he would be able to block that time out. Does smartsheet have anything like that? Kind of like an outlook calendar
Darstellung von Meilensteinen: Unterschied Blatt/Bericht
Ich möchte Meilensteine über einen Bericht wiedergeben. Werden die Meilensteine und ihre Abhängigkeit auf dem dazugehörigen Blatt noch korrekt dargestellt: fehlen diese Informationen in meinem Bericht. Wie erhalte ich die vollständigen Informationsgehalt auch im Bericht? Dieses Ergebnis ist schlecht lesbar und…
In a Gantt with many rows, how to color a date range that spans all rows in a column?
In other words, I have a developed Gantt with many rows. There's an event that I'd like to track in the Gantt that occurs over the course of several weeks. I would like to highlight that date range but not just have it on one row, I want it present on all rows in order to show impact on all activities.
Gantt Timescale Settings Global Option
Problem: Our project has stakeholders who use free accounts and utilise the Gantt view. They can’t edit the view settings so it currently opens for them in 2023 (start date of project) and also does not show the year so it can cause confusion and annoyance. Solution: It would be great to have an option, in the Gantt…
I'm running multiple projects and reporting all in one consolidated Report / Dashboard with Gantt timelines. I'm trying to show one project on one Gantt line, however, break up the bar into different colors for each of the phases within the project. Is this possible, and if yes, how would I set it up?
Parent Row Color Settings: Task Bar in Gantt View
Is it possible to add the ability to change the parent row color settings, especially as relates to task bar color in gantt view?