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Allow Gantt view to use Date columns with Column Formulas for Start/End


I'm kind of flabbergasted that this is not currently possible in a Sheet, and I'm struggling to explain to my users why.

It is already possible to populate a Date column with a Column Formula and then convert it to a Cell Formula, and then use that column as the Start/End for Gantt view / Project Settings, so the issue is not the formulas in the Date column. So why does converting it back to a Column Formula for some reason no longer work for this purpose? Given it works with Cell Formulas, I am entirely confused as to why this should not work with Column Formulas.

Please make Smartsheet smarter by enabling this functionality.

(I know that using a Report can be a workaround, but Reports have limited functionality and flexibility relative to Sheets, so this is a significant usability issue for us. Also, if it works in Reports, why can't it work in Sheets?)

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