Sum of work log between a date range for given list of users
Hello, I really need some help on this. I have two sheets one with user work log information with dates and user name. Now I want to add the efforts for a given date range and for a particular/all users. I tried summits but not able to come up with anything as it is always giving mw wither 0 or invalid argument. I tried…
How do i add more than one duration to a gantt chart?
I have a project that has hundreds of tasks. Each task has a fabrication duration and a delivery/logistics duration. How can i add an extra column and add the extra duration per task to show in the gantt chart in maybe a different shade or different color? The other solution, would be to add a line below each task just for…
Contact Columns marked Multiple Don't Populate Legacy Reports
I have 140 or so projects I manage reporting on and was excited to see that we could now do multiple contacts in our Assigned To column. However, when adding new projects with this feature enabled I noticed that Reports count those columns as different than other Assigned To columns without this feature enabled even though…
Dashboard Color
Any plans in the future for letting us update the dashboard background color to any color we'd like? I'd love to be able to use black for dashboard backgrounds, as well as the backgrounds of the widgets, so that when on TV sets around the office, graphs are floating in black instead of a white background.
More Robust and Complete Backup Solution
Hi there, Are there plans to offer a more robust backup solution for sheets? We are using the Command-line backup java utility (aka Backup Tool), and that works alright, but it’s not a true backup solution, as files cannot always be simply re-loaded back into Smartsheet have things be “just the way they were” when data…
Scanning a Barcode
Does anyone currently know if smartsheet is capable of capturing data from a bar code?
Smartsheet with series of dates representing milestones acheived
i have Smartsheet with series of dates representing milestones acheived. Users enter dates as when they have completed each milestone, How do i measure days between these dates and then put into a dash board /charts depicting what the average days between each point is at each milestone. eg Date of request1 - date of…
Approvals, Updates and Deleting Attachment in a Webform during Update
HI there. I am only a month old Smartsheet user and currently under the Business Plan. i am building the New Hire Request Form for our company and I came across with problem in the multiple approval as well as the things to do before a request will be approved. When the requestor filled up the request form, it will prompt…
COUNTIF Formula for when a cell contains a specific word/phrase?
I'm trying to create a formula that allows me to count the number of times the word "Postcard", for example, appears in a list in a column. I am referencing a column in another sheet to do so. However, nothing I've tried works. My instinct was to try =COUNTIF({2018 Open Enrollment Feedback Range 1}, "Postcard"). However,…
Software vendor comparison sheet template
Does anyone have a software vendor comparison sheet to share with the Community? Comparing features and functionality of various vendors in one sheet is a challenge. What do you think would be the best sheet template to compare vendors?