Copy Row Issue
Just had an issue where my copy to workflow only worked on 2 rows out of ~15. This is not a new workflow, and has been tested and functional over 30 times, and no one has accessed or changed anything in the sheet other than me. Is anyone else having any issues with this? I really need the workflow to be trustworthy for…
Alert Someone on every day a Task is marked as happening
Hello, Can I create an Alert (Alert Someone) that would send a notification to an email for each day when a task is listed as happening in relation to the Start and Finish dates, inputted in the system? The logic cannot be static, and should be based on when a task Starts and when it is listed as Finished. Dates can vary.…
Workflow Copy Rows...
Ok, So I'm trying to use these new workflow ( https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/2479626-automatically-move-or-copy-rows-between-sheets ) and I'm running into an issue... So I'm in the sheet I need to copy from, and I create the workflow and select 'Copy Row' and when go to select the sheet I want to go to it does not…
Placeholders | Still batching Emails
Hi team, I'm using Placeholders in a workflow to generate individual emails for an update request. Although the same individual received the update, they will forward as needed, so I need to ensure each update request for the day doesn't 'batch'. I've done a small test and had no issues, but when i moved into the live…
Flag column based on date & other criteria
I'm trying to figure out how to set up an alert to automatically notify someone if the entry row hasn't met criteria (checkbox) within 5 days. I was thinking about creating a flag column that kicks off an email alert but I can't figure out the flag formula. Here's what I've been trying to play with: If [Created Date] is…
Could someone add Workflow(s) or Automation to the tag options...? 😀