Need help with Form capabilities!

I am trying to create a temporary process for employees to submit time and expenses. There is a Entry Type Field that specifies which fields are displayed based on if it's a time or expense. For Time - I have logic set up that based on the date a new field will appear labeled as which day of the week corresponds to the date so that employees only enter time for 1 day of the week:

However, I run into a problem where when an employee selects Entry Type to be Expense, all of the relevant fields show. Except when they select a date it still shows the Day for Hour Entry.

Is there any way to have the day of the week only show when date is a certain date and entry type is hours? Or how to have it not show the day of the week field when entry type is expense?

My only solutions I have came up for this so far would be to make 2 different date fields or separate into 2 forms one for time and one for expense.

Best Answer

  • Ryan Sides
    Ryan Sides ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @AshleyDeichmueller

    That's a tough one. You can't combine field logic. So You can't say when X and Y then show field.

    You could create 2 separate Date fields and only have 1 relevant to your Hours. Then on your sheet create a third date field that you use as your "true" date that gets it's date from either of the other 2 fields.

    Does that help?

    Ryan Sides

    Smartsheet Tips and Tricks for Beginners and Advanced on LinkedIn and YouTube

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