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User List Report for System Admins - "On Free Plan" column?

Community Champion
edited 06/21/23 in Smartsheet Basics

I am the System Admin on an Enterprise Plan with user auto provisioning enabled (it was enabled a year ago.) I just noticed that on the User list report generated in the Admin Center, there's a TRUE/FALSE column for "On Free Plan."

Out of nearly 500 Enterprise Users, there are 9 unlicensed domain users who show 'TRUE' in the "On Free Plan" column. They are not on free trials. They are all listed as Active. Their accounts were all created between Aug 9, 2022 and March 6, 2023, after UAP was enabled. They have all logged in within the past 6 months. One of them shows ownership of a sheet, despite being unlicensed, not on a trial, and having not logged in since 3/14/2023!

I can't find anything in Help nor in the Community about this column in this report. These users, being provisioned to my Enterprise Plan org, should not be able to be on a Free Plan! Can anyone help make sense of this? Anybody seeing this in their own Enterprise Plan orgs?


Jeff Reisman

Link: Smartsheet Functions Help Pages Link: Smartsheet Formula Error Messages

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  • Community Champion

    I do know that when a user is added as unlicensed, they still have that button to request a license. I wonder if maybe they did in fact activate the free trial especially if they are able to own items.

  • Community Champion

    Enterprise Plan free users can activate the 30 day trial at any time. We can't stop that... but what they CAN'T do is switch to Smartsheet's new "Free Plan" after their trial is up, because they're already in our Enterprise Plan due to UAP.

    The user shown as owning a sheet is not listed as owning any sheets in the Sheet Access report... so what is this sheet that she owns? Unless she started a trial the last time she logged in on 3/14, and later created a sheet, and that sheet is sitting in the 90 day purgatory before it's deleted? But even then, as a user in our org, we should still see that sheet in the list, no?

    Ok, so digging deeper - downloaded user sheet access report specifically for the user, and it shows a sheet she owns, created 3/23/23... which means it's on Day 90 and so it should disappear tomorrow, or maybe 30 days from now?

    None of that explains why any of these users should be listed as being on a Free Plan, though. Users who are on free trial show a Trial End Date value, and there's a TRUE/FALSE column for "On Trial." Here's one who was added to our org last July, must have started the trial on 6/1/23. She owns 1 sheet. That sheet doesn't appear in the overall Sheet Access report.


    Jeff Reisman

    Link: Smartsheet Functions Help Pages Link: Smartsheet Formula Error Messages

    If my answer helped solve your issue, please mark it as accepted so that other users can find it later. Thanks!

  • Community Champion

    I missed the Trial piece in your last screenshot which makes my last response kinda goofy. Haha. Sorry about that.

    Have you reached out to any of those users to ask them directly about it?

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