Is there a way to have copies of Smarsheet Form submittals be sent to emails in a contact list?


We have a Smartsheet form set up where people can submit requests. On the form there is a question where they have to put their supervisor's email. Is there a way to automate sending a copy of their submittals to the supervisor email they input in that contact list/question in Smartsheet? I'm already aware you can automate sending a message, a link to the Smartsheet itself or to specific rows, but we want the receivers to receive copies of submittals, not any of those.


  • AravindGP
    AravindGP ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Leana_WDO

    Ideally, you will configure a workflow to send the row as an alert to the email address of the supervisor. Since you don't want to do that, you can enable "Allow submitter to email a copy of form submission" if the form doesn't need the submitter to login. This way, a field will appear at the end of the form for the submitter to enter the email address of their supervisor.



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