Project Management Certification Study Guide - are the "path" links needed to pass the exam?



I'm currently studying in preparation for the Project Management Certification exam. Having learned from the Core Exam experience, I'm focusing my studies on the suggested learning material (

The material so far has been the expected articles and guides. I've gotten stuck at the end of Domain 2 "Planning". These links are broken, and the only content I can seem to find that matches are the paid instructor-led courses, which doesn't fit with what I've seen so far.

Has anyone else experienced this? Any chance the correct articles are out there, and this is just on my end?

For those that followed this path and completed the exam regardless, did you find this material to be essential to passing the exam?

I'm grateful to any who can offer their feedback. Thanks!


Josh Garcia|

Zebra Consulting Services🦓


  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hey @ZebraCS_Josh

    Can you clarify exactly which of the links are "broken" for you? I've tested all links under the header "Domain 2 - Planning" and they all go to the expected article or track.

    Note that for the Smartsheet University links you'll need to be signed in to the University to see them - the ones in the green box:

    I'd recommend signing in from the main University page, here:

    Then try accessing the eLearning path URL again, the one you'll need to be signed in to see:



  • ZebraCS_Josh

    Hi Genevieve, thanks for the response.

    This is the error I get when clicking on the two links that you have highlighted. I promise that I’m already logged in when I get this:

    Josh Garcia|

    Zebra Consulting Services🦓

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi @ZebraCS_Josh

    Thank you for this screen capture!

    Are you able to navigate to the course from the Home page instead of using the direct link?

    • On the "Learning Style" tab, select "Self Paced"
    • Then once both of these filters have been selected, the first one should be the 2023 Project Management Path eLearning

    Do you get the same error message from finding the course this way?



  • ZebraCS_Josh

    Hi Genevieve, thanks again for the response.

    I see no such course. When I went looking for the article on my own after getting the error, I ended up doing pretty much those same steps.

    Here's what I see after reproduced those steps on my own just now. From the SmartU home page, selected Curriculum = "Project Management". There are only two options visible to me (see screenshot): "Project Management Intensive (Intermediate/Instructor-led), and "Project Management Path" (also Intermediate/Instructor-led, $849). The Intermediate Self-paced eLearning article in your screenshot is not visible. I don't think I've come across that article before.

    Screenshot showing the only two options visible on my end (toggling left and right adds no new information):

    Screenshot showing the selected filter:

    Josh Garcia|

    Zebra Consulting Services🦓

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hey @ZebraCS_Josh

    Thanks for clarifying! Based on these images and since you're logged in, it looks like your current account does not have access to Smartsheet University eLearning courses. Certifications can be purchased separately from eLearning, which it looks like may be the case with your account.

    Access to eLearning material depends on the type of Support package your plan has purchased, or if it has been purchased separately as an add-on. Here's the page with more information:

    I would recommend checking in with the System Admin for your organization, or the billing contact, to confirm whether or not you should have eLearning as part of your plan.



  • ZebraCS_Josh

    I'm my own Sysadmin/Billing contact, and I have a typical Business tier plan which should include "Access to Smartsheet University instructor-led and on demand training". I hope I'm not missing something - my understanding was that the SmartU content came with my agreement.

    Josh Garcia|

    Zebra Consulting Services🦓

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi @ZebraCS_Josh

    Business Plans have the option of purchasing access to the Smartsheet University courses, but this would be in addition to the general Business Plan.

    If you don't have Standard Support package purchased in addition to your Business plan, you can purchase the eLearning individually from the University:

    Do you remember if this was purchased in addition to your Business plan?