Syncing Smartsheet calender with Outlook

JohnHinkle ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 10/27/22 in Add Ons and Integrations

I have been using the Smartsheet calender for awhile but we use Outlook calendar at work and I was wondering if there was a way to sync my Smartsheet calendar with my Outlook calender. Is this possible? 



  • Travis
    Travis Employee
    edited 02/19/15

    Hello John - While in the calendar view, click on the Publish Calendar to iCal (on the toolbar to the left). At the bottom of the Publish Options menu, click the button for iCal (Calendar) to enable. From here, you can select “Add to my calendar” which will add the calendar to your computers default calendar application (such as Outlook) or you can copy the .ics link into Outlook or any other calendar application that supports .ics links.

    Here’s more information on publishing calendars:

  • JohnHinkle
    JohnHinkle ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks Travis - this is exactly what I was looking for!

  • Thank you! I have been looking for this too!

  • Stephanie Taylor
    Stephanie Taylor ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I did this a while back but I have found Google Calendar works better for our needs.  Outlook does not allow you to update the calendar.  You have to go back to Smartsheets to change any dates.  Not only can you update the calendar in Google but when you do it also updates Smartsheet at the same time.  Plus the update time in Google is almost instantaneous where as Outlook takes about 15 minutes to update.

  • Just discovered this function. Great to know about the delay in sync updates!

  • Ryan McMullan
    edited 11/16/15

    I've done this through the instructions for the Publish tab, but the iCal does not appear to be updating (it shows the original dates of events who's dates changed months ago).  I've sent a note to support to see if it can be fixed.

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Ryan, I looked into your open ticket with the Support team. From the email thread, it appears the sync is working on a new sheet you created - but not the original sheet in question. I would continue to work with the Support team and let us know when you have an answer! 

  • RachelS
    edited 12/04/15

    I, too, really value this feature and depend on being able to see my Smartsheet calendar in Outlook. But I'd love to be able to EXCLUDE the sync of the full project and just be able to sync the sub items. Is there a way to trick the system into doing this? Below is a rough sample of the top line (parent) which I'd like to exclude from sync followed by the indented sub tasks that I do want to sync:


    2015-12x report | 50 pgs (40+10)          12/07/15         03/10/16

         Outline Docs                                     12/07/15         12/08/15

         Outline MTG                                      12/09/15        12/09/15

         Rough draft Docs                              01/04/16        01/06/16

         OrgEdit/PD MTG                               01/07/16         01/07/16

         PUBLICATION                                   03/10/16         03/10/16

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Rachel, while you can choose to see only child rows while in your Smartsheet calendar, when using the iCal subscription link with Outlook, all tasks will be displayed, including parent rows. 

  • Gordon
    Gordon ✭✭✭✭✭

    Does this work for reports?  If not, please add it to the roadmap?

  • Hi Gordon-- We don't currently offer syncing with Outlook or Google Calendars in Reports, but I've added your vote for this to our enhancement request list. Thanks for your input!

  • I second this. It would be perfect if I could publish to Outlook from a report. 

  • I agree - being able to generate ical links from reports would be a huge benefit. This would be a work-around for filtering what the end user receives in their calendar - you could create a report specific to a group and that would be their calendar feed, instead of seeing the full smartsheet in their calendar.

  • Voting to add ability to link reports to calendar.  Our master sheets are too much information for calendar users "overload".  

  • I Second This request.  Reports would greatly benefit from this feature!