Nominate Peak Humans & get a badge!



  • Alison Clancy
    Alison Clancy Employee Admin

    @Will Jeffords @Michelle Basson This exchange made my whole day! You two are awesome.

  • Kyle Chipman
    Kyle Chipman Overachievers

    In full agreement of both Will's nominations for Rich and Michelle, and Michelle's nomination of Will. All of them remarkable people! Grateful to be in their company.

  • Wendy Connelly

    I nominate my son, Gryffin Connelly, as a Peak Human. After months of initiation, planning and execution—and building a savvy Smartsheet project plan outlining a work breakdown structure and applying formulas to tally volunteer hours—Gryffin led his project team to complete his Eagle Project: a purple martin birdhouse and hugelkultur garden bed for our community.

    I'm happy Gryffin made Eagle Scout, and feel even more proud of his Peak Human work giving back as a loyal Den Chief, bringing fun, laughter, inspiration and guidance to younger scouts for the past five years along their Cub Scout journeys. This week, Gryffin had the privilege to help his Cub Scout troop cross over and receive their Arrow of Light, transitioning to the Scouts BSA and, in his footsteps, beginning their own path to Eagle.

  • Rebeca S.
    Rebeca S. Employee Admin

    @Wendy Connelly that's wonderful, your son is truly a Peak Human! 😄

  • Cvo
    Cvo ✭✭✭
    edited 02/26/24

    I'd like to nominate my brother Ryan, who selflessness and generosity shines in everything he does. Ryan has always been a wonderful person always thinking of others, but then he decided to take it up to the top level. Ryan, a father of six, made the ultimate donation of a kidney to save the life of my husband who was in end stage renal disease. This stress from the kidney failure was so hard on his body that he was also in heart failure and in danger of not being able to have the transplant at all. Time was of the essence and Ryan stepped up and saved the day. Words can't express the gratitude that I have for my baby brother. 💚

    This picture left to right is: Ryan's Transplant Coordinator, my Brother Ryan, my Husband Sonny, and his Transplant Coordinator Brandon (who deserves a shout out too!🎉).This picture is 6 days before the transplant.

  • JMAllenSmith

    I celebrate and nominate my boss and my mentor Carlos Castillo. He has more stored in his brain and can access it at the drop of the hat! He is always encouraging and suggested we move forward with incorporating SmartSheet into our workflow more after seeing great results from other co-workers using it.

  • amjannik

    I nominate @John Flores for being my mentor and helping with my growth.

  • LDLValentine
    LDLValentine ✭✭✭✭

    I am nominating @JamesB who spent more time and energy working me through the most challenging strategy I have ever faced, using Smartsheet. He did so with patience and grace. I could have never delivered the final product to my organization with all the bells and whistles without him.

  • Paola G
    Paola G ✭✭

    I would like to nominate @antonioferreiram for his constant willingness to do better, not only for himself but for others selflessly. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with others, Smartsheet is only one example of your "learn and share" interests, greatly appreciated :)

  • Colette
    Colette ✭✭

    I would like to nominate @Emmy Bagshaw for the Peak Human Award for her amazing SmartSheet prowess. Emmy built out an incredible workflow to manage our complex apartment turnover schedule, as well as beautiful dashboards for summarizing data about our facilities turnover processes. What she can do with SmartSheet is truly awesome. I also appreciate that she is always willing to share her knowledge and skill with others. Emmy, thank you for being so focused on continuous improvement and for helping others improve as well.

  • A.J.
    A.J. ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Jaime Williams is my nominee. She is exceptionally talented at making the impossible become the possible. She makes 100 step projects into smaller bites and always sees the light at the end of the tunnel. She's a great team member and a terrific person. She is PEAK HUMAN.

  • Ray Lindstrom
    Ray Lindstrom ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I would like to nominate @Dakota Haeffner and @Lori Khoury who both operate at their peak. Both are fantastic to work with and full of solution ideas.

  • Dakota Haeffner
    Dakota Haeffner ✭✭✭✭✭

    Awh you're gonna make me blush haha thank you @Ray Lindstrom! You are a pleasure to work with a an enormous asset to our teams!😁

  • More1
    More1 ✭✭

    I will like to nominate @realmercyblaze3 she is industrious and understanding in project management. I have known her since a kid like my fam.

  • Dakota Haeffner
    Dakota Haeffner ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'd like to Nominate @mary beth jacobi because she is always pushing our teams to find new and interesting ways to use Smartsheets.