We have several use cases where it would be very helpful to be able to choose whether email notifications are combined or sent separately.
For example, we are sending an Update Request to other departments for what is basically an approval, but they need the ability to edit fields and/or record additional information, not just record an approval/denial. We have this set up as an Update Request automation triggered on another cell in the sheet changing, and the subject/body of the message include specific fields in {{curly brackets}}. We also have selected "Specific Fields" to include with the message.
When multiple lines are triggered at once and the "to" email is the same, there is only one email notification going out with multiple requests in it. The approvers are requesting separate emails but that doesn't seem possible currently according to the help articles I reviewed.
It would be great if all the automations gave you the choice on how you wanted the emails to go- bundled or separate.
Interested if anyone has found a way around this pending an enhancement!
Agreed. I have some recipients getting a single email that has multiple "reminders" stitched together. I really need each reminder sent as an individual email — NOT combined.
Agree 100% with this! Not only is this hard when working with those outside of our department, but some of the reminders will get missed because they're lumped into one notification.
The best workaround I've been able to manage is to include an additional field for "day of the week for notification", with each notificiation that might be stitched together going out on a different day. They get a reminder for one item on Monday, a reminder for the next item on Tuesday, etc.