We use the PDF generator tool to auto-generate thousands of approval letters each year. We then have an automaton set up to send the letters out the funding recipients. the validity period for the letters is 90 days, but the attachment link that Smartsheet sends expires after 30 days, meaning we get many requests from funding applicants to re-send their letters. Please can we increase this, I would imagine lots of other people experience the same issue?
Yes please. You beat me to requesting this. We would benefit greatly from the increased expiry link for attachments.
Yes please. We would benefit greatly from the increased expiry link for attachments.
Workflow-generated attachment links currently expire after 14 days.
It would be extremely helpful to our business for the expiration time period to be exposed as a configurable variable when creating a workflow or have the expiration date be a global, organizational variable that could be larger.
This challenge was raised here in the forums:
This is a similar idea covering links from attachments that were manually generated:
100% agree. I also made another idea tangential to this one for workflow-generated attachments where the attachment link expiration date is only 14 days.
Would also like to bump this as an enhancement that should be prioritized. This would increase the use case and drive more usage for your software.
We have built automation to send links to our suppliers with supporting evidence when they're being debited due to an issue they caused. With the links expiring, the suppliers are not able to access this evidence for a sufficient amount of time and therefore end up coming to us to request this information, which defeats the purpose of having an automation send it to them. This is causing us to look at other solutions. This enhancement would increase the usability and could potentially drive us to continue to utilize smartsheet.
Our use case is when policies/manuals need to be reviewed and possibly updated every six months to one year. Once we send a workflow automated email to the author requesting an update, it starts the clock ticking. Since we have a large/growing repository, it can be difficult for the author to find the row for the specific policy (I know, it seems like it would be easy but any author may have dozens of documents assigned to them) and there are three sheets from which to locate the document in question. We moved to Smartsheet because (among other reasons) we needed an automated system for these updates. We are doing our best to make it as easy as possible to get these documents updated because the authors are often really constrained by time demands. Having a way to link from a report or workflow directly to the document is vital, and being able to choose the expiry date of the link would reduce workload on our staff (who are having to go back and resend the link manually once the two weeks is over).
Until we have this functionality, we have to explore using different repositories, which impacts the purpose of using Smartsheet. Thank you for your consideration.