CopyRow Automation Requirements

Hello All,

I cannot seem to find if this is a factor online, so will ask the community. Does having the same column name for the Primary Column in both the Source and Destination sheet prevent this workflow from triggering?

I am admin on both sheets and the workflow is not triggered. I removed all of the conditions and it still is not triggering and copying the row to the sheet.


Ryan Holguin



  • Scott Orsey
    Scott Orsey ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Ryan Holguin , The column names won't prevent the automation from triggering. There is likely another cause in the logic of the workflow. Also, if the sheet is very large, I've noticed that automations sometimes take several minutes to trigger. Can you share any more information about how you are going about copying the row?

    Be well

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  • Ryan Holguin
    Ryan Holguin ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey @Scott Orsey - Thanks for the response. Here's a snippet of the exact workflow:

    As I said, I removed all of the conditions and tried it that way as well and nothing happened.

    I've kept the row saved for over an hour and it still won't trigger.

  • Scott Orsey
    Scott Orsey ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/20/24

    Hi @Ryan Holguin ... Nothing jumps out. I can only think of going through your testing approach methodically to make sure you are truly "triggering" the workflow. For example, You'd need to change "Ready for Team" to something else. Save it. then change it to "Integrated Marketing Team". then save it again. Note also that the workflow only fires when the field changes. If you are trying to trigger it from when a form is submitted, it would also need to say "when rows are added" at the top. Also, can you get the "request an update" branch to work?

    Hope something in my comments triggers a eureka moment. :)

    Be well

    If my response was helpful or answered your question please be sure to upvote it, mark it asawesome, or mark it as the accepted answer!

  • Ric T
    Ric T ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Ryan Holguin,

    Curious, does it trigger when you manually run the automation via "Run now..."? Any changes to the "Last ran" date on your saved workflow page?

    A quick look into your workflow, that's a lot of mandatory conditions to trigger the automation. Do you really mean to trigger the automation when all of the 7 conditions must be met (AND function), or do you mean some of the conditions (OR function). Friendly reminder that when you have a vertical condition, the automation will no be triggered when there is a blocker (a condition that has not been met). This thread might be helpful:



  • Ryan Holguin
    Ryan Holguin ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @Ric T - Those are great insights. Those conditions do need to be AND since they are a quality control measure. This automation is used for project intake and unless all of the columns are filled in, it shouldn't be sent to the team since they will not have sufficient information to start the project.

    The automation happens to be working fine this morning, so I am not sure what is different from yesterday to today.

    Thanks @Ric T and @Scott Orsey for your insight!