[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 seat to a Multi-Day Smartsheet University course



  • My favorite training was my first Project Management Boot Camp years ago before it became the business buzz word. It put names and acronyms to processes that we did instinctively and did not realize there were a bunch of other likeminded folks trying to make life a little easier by standardizing efforts that were duplicatable and teachable and were applicable across many industries and disciplines. It is fun looking back and seeing how far things have progressed.

  • The most memorable 2-3 courses I've attended were a pharmaceutical risk management course, a fibre optic introduction course and a course on MS Word. All were very different in content but all 3 had more hands on exercises and activities than theory. These courses also had plenty of participant interaction. From each course I felt I had learned something that was immediately useful to my job.

  • The best course I took was from Lead4Ward, Tips and Tools train the trainers session. Being in a school district in an office setting and never getting trained on how to train other adults. We are asked to train our departments and campus leaders, but never got any tips or incite on how to make our trainings fun, or even interesting. We are in Business Services, nothing fun or interesting about that to non-money people! This training showed us ways to keep the attention of our audience to include games to play, prizes to win, and other "fun" ways to keep them involved in the training.

  • The course I have learned the most from and use the information continuously was the Smartsheet intro class, about 8 years ago! I learned so many tips and tricks that I still use today.

  • My Favorite courses were my First Aid and CPR courses through the American Red Cross. When I was 7 years old, I drowned in my friend's swimming pool and was brought back through CPR. As I grew up, I became a college lifeguard, Swim Instructor, and First Aid instructor. I taught Babysitting skills to Girl Scouts and always included First Aid & CPR. Currently, I head the Safety committee at work and have held several ARC classes for coworkers. More importantly, I have used First Aid and CPR. It makes a positive difference to help my community by knowing these important skills before professional medical 1st responders arrive to take over. I highly recommend it to anyone interested especially parents, grandparents, and guardians of children. Accidents happen and you can handle it calmly by just knowing some basic skills. Thanks for letting me share : )

  • Janice Phua
    Janice Phua ✭✭✭

    Got to do my first Smartsheet Product Certified User Exam in 2021 and score 20/20.

    And did a Smartsheet Academy 201 in 2019. And in order to join it, I changed my work schedule to night just to attend the training as there was no Asia time zone friendly courses then.

  • Courses that gave information that were actually useful are my favorites. Top of head course is the Excel macro course I had at Udemy. They have actually made my life a little easier at work. It's also good that I can go back to viewing it whenever I need to have a refresher.

  • Paula F
    Paula F ✭✭

    Independent Research Seminar for four semesters in high school. With the loose guidance of the teacher, who had a lot of hippie spirit, we chose a topic to research. Throughout the semester, we used different libraries and sometimes interviewed people or used other research techniques (this was pre-internet). We were allowed to leave campus to do this, and we all did. We attended "class" once a week, on our assigned day, and in a small group discussed each other's work for at least a few minutes -- the conversation usually ranged far and wide. At the end of the semester, we delivered a lengthy research paper with bibliography and notes and gave a presentation to the class. The trust and autonomy we were given gave us confidence, and the research, writing, and speaking skills did more to prepare me for college than just about anything else. Much, much later, I'm still proud of the work I did in those classes!

    Paula L. Fleming, MA, SPHR, PMP

    Senior HR Project and Experience Manager, Kaplan North America

    University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardener 🌻

  • Xactly Training as a part of the implementation of the new tool Xactly for the Sales Compensation process. One of the best Sales Compensation tool available in the market with lot of features to manage the entire Sales Compensation Process

  • Tano
    Tano ✭✭

    "The most memorable class I ever took was 40 years ago in middle school. It was an elective subject called Introduction to Computer Class where I learned how to use Lotus 123 and the C prompt. Back then, we were still using green monitors and had only 256 MB of RAM or XP. Looking back, those were the days!"

  • My favorite course which I had done during my college was Construction Project Management a 4 Course specialization by Columbia University which talks majorly about a whole life cycle of construction projects, I have learned about Construction Planning and Scheduling, Construction financing, Estimating and costing, Project Controls and monitoring, and Risk Management. I has helped me a lot during my first job as an Trainee Planning Engineer for a construction company, where I was able to corelate my learnings to actually implementing at site during the work and further enhance my knowledge about Project Management and its importance.

  • My favorite course was a multi day 1/2 days Change Management course. The 1/2 days allowed for other work and to have the information sink in. It had group activities, shared problem solving, etc.

  • Haissam
    Haissam ✭✭✭
    edited 04/11/24

    Hi @Rebeca S. and Smartsheet Team, thanks for sharing about this exciting giveaway!

    As a passionate avid learner (and I mean it!! check out my LinkedIn profile!), I've taken numerous online courses on platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and edX. But for this Smartsheet giveaway, a course that truly stands out is "Manage and Visualize Projects in Smartsheet" by Rochelle Benjamin on Udemy.

    What made this course great? It took me through the entire process of building a powerful Smartsheet solution, from the ground up. I learned how to set up Smartsheet basics, develop meaningful metrics for goal setting, and create sheets to meticulously track project progress and quantify data for dashboards. It also dived into building reports with Gantt views, setting up automation workflows, and implementing conditional formatting and filters for effortless sheet navigation. Finally, I also learned how to configure visually appealing and informative dashboards that would impress any stakeholder.

    This course wasn't just informative, it was empowering. At that time I was a beginner user of Smartsheet, but it equipped me to not only become proficient in Smartsheet myself, but also champion its adoption as our team's standard project management tool. I led it's team-wide deployment by training other new users, preparing user manual and how-to-use instruction for our site team members.

    Course Completion Link:



    カーン ハイサム Haissam Khan, ᴍʙᴀ, ᴘᴍᴘ

    プロジェクトマネージャー Project Manager

    プロジェクト推進部 Project Execution Department

    日本エア・リキード合同会社 Air Liquide Japan G.K.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/haissam/

  • Pottery classes - it has been an incredible learning and sensory experience and a welcome break from the usual traditional courses be it online or in-person. The opportunity to just play with clay and figure things out along the way was initially very challenging but it has been a joyful experience. You learn by doing and you learn to be patient and find beauty in imperfection. Working with clay is calming and without realising it, it also transforms you. In a world where we are overloaded with information and technology (which is great and has its place), the best part of the pottery lessons was a break from technology and hands-on learning - you can't work with clay with your phone in your hands😉... but yes, you can find great pottery ideas online.

  • For me, a recent Scrum Master Certification course ranks high on the list. Engaging instructor, small group break-out sessions to discuss and practice skills, great time/agenda management (led by the class as part of learning "spring planning", and plenty of reference documentation provided for future use. Gave me everything I needed to feel confident in passing the certification exam.

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