[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 seat to a Multi-Day Smartsheet University course



  • so far we have been thrusted into learning this by someone so passionate about it that they started to have conversations with the creator, and when you see that kind of passion it's almost like you get infected! So while most of us at our company have only watched the targeted videos on YouTube I would desperately love to get in one of the intro classes.

  • Wade Chumney Conscious Business Ethics. His presentation is on his website, and it is a must for the ethical business. He is so very inspirin😍g.

  • My favorite course that I took was an all-day, preconference course at Dev Learn 2023 about accessibility for instructional design and training materials. What made it great was that we would learn a small topic and then get to try our hand at completing a task (like remediating a Word document for accessibility). On top of getting to immediately apply our learnings, the instructor gave us a link to her curated resource page that had more training and information. I still reference the page regularly!

  • The courses that stand out to me are all the interactive and working through real world issues. I appreciate leaving a course with information and tools that are easily applied to various use cases.

  • My favorite class was in my first semester in college. Newly divorced from an abusive relationship and with four young children, I nervously made my way to college. The title of the class was women's history. This class was led by a short woman with attitude. She taught me Women's History, but so much more. Because of her, and partially because of her class, I graduated with honors and went on to get an advanced degree; all this after being told for the past 13 years by my now ex-husband that I was stupid. I now am an avid learner and when we brought Smartsheet into our office, I was excited to learn it was Excel on steroids. As an Excel advanced user, I have worked hard to learn, but I feel that there is so much more I could do with Smartsheet. I would love to be part of the Smartsheet class where I can build on what I know and learn all the great things that Smartsheet can do for this company.



  • Hi - My favorite training course I ever took was a cooking class in Thailand. The teacher had all time in the world for all our questions and she never cooked a thing! Instead she had all the receipes and ingredients available and then worked with us each step of the way to create a beautiful 2 course meal. At the end we had learned so well I have made this meal several times since and we walked out of the class having stretched ourselves, and learned about a lot of new ingredients. A learning on so many levels - this was a great experience!

  • My favorite course was Calculus in high school, I did like math but I loved the course even more because the teacher shared impactful stories about his life, was authentic and shared himself with us, creating a connection that I'll never forget. Through the course of the year his mother passed away and he shared those stories, with tears sometimes. RIP Mr Hanson, you were awesome!

  • Annumd
    Annumd ✭✭

    A Mathworks Matlab course for their image processing module years ago. Really good instructor and one of the rare courses where all the examples and case studies we did were relevant, easy to follow and a perfect level of difficulty. I also appreciated that the course materials were helpful for refreshing things years later. Rather than just giving us a printout of powerpoint slides to write on, we got functional code to take home and even more examples and practice cases in addition to a binder/textbook. It was a great combination of learning by lecture, visual, example and writing.

  • I very much enjoyed a web-based VBA course, presented by Wise Owl Training, while I was home recovering from surgery. I liked that the course was split into small segments to allow for short trainings and easy reference to rewatch specific topics. The online demonstration while presenting each topic was easy to follow along with and understand.

  • LEAN introduction course in Lviv, Ukraine

  • acouch
    edited 04/10/24

    My high school European History course is a favorite that I still refer back to when I think of what makes learning and teaching great. My teacher was well-known around the school for his...eccentricities. One of my favorite memories of him is his propensity to carry a wooden judge's mallet for slamming on the table in emphasis when yelling out names of certain historical figures... "LENIN!!!" SLAM. Once, he got so excited that the wooden mallet actually broke, the hammer separating from the handle. The next day he returned with none other than a croquet mallet, which he put to good use over the remaining months of the term.

    At the time I thought maybe it was just to keep us on our toes - and maybe it was - but it also served to solidify the memory. Made it memorable. It was always in good fun, and rather funny in a mildly terrifying kind of way. But he made learning history memorable and fun by making it interesting in new ways. I'll never forget that, and most of what we learned in that class. I'll certainly always remember him.

  • AWard
    AWard ✭✭

    I recently took a Lean Six Sigma Course through SSGI. This by far was one of my favourite courses as it encompassed all aspects of my work and helped me better utilize Smartsheet and the features that are offered.

  • My favorite recently was the Enterprise program management training I received through Adobe Workfront. The attention to detail and customization for my organization was so engaging and helpful so that I was able to help set up the instance for my team and then train them on how to use it. Other than that, anything LinkedIn Learning lately and working my way through the Program Management modules.

  • A database course introducing me to SQL. Since then I have learned spreadsheets, automation scripting, API and now I've have recently been diving into AI. In between that I became absorbed into what Smartsheet has done within our company.

  • Bobert
    Bobert ✭✭✭✭

    Lean Six Sigma training was the most recent training I attended, and that was fantastic. I learned to apply the DMAIC method to my work. The training made me rethink how I do everything. It has even made my personal life better by applying those principles. The second best training I did was to learn Sabermetrics, baseball statistics. I learned quite a bit about MySQL and data science in general.

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