[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 seat to a Multi-Day Smartsheet University course



  • Emmy Bagshaw
    Emmy Bagshaw ✭✭
    edited 04/10/24

    My favorite training course was in high school, I took a "Know Your Rights" course. The audience was young folks, mostly of color, who were statistically likely to interact with law enforcement under various circumstances. It was a powerful training that was part of a larger effort and campaign to combat juvenile justice practices in California and build a movement to reallocate incarceration funding towards educational initiatives. The training inspired me to become a trainer myself and continue on with a life-long passion for community organizing and youth empowerment.

  • One of my favorite courses I have taken was during my education at University of Oregon. It was a course about substance misuse and abuse. It covered the impact substances have on physical & mental health, as wells relationship, academics and personal growth. The goal was to decrease the risk of substance abuse on students enrolled in the University. It was extremely eye opening, interesting and had real life application to make my college experience positive and healthy and allowed me to develop strategies to learn, grow and develop healthy, supportive relationships.

  • One of my favorite courses was eons ago (or so it seems). It was a college physics course, "Physics for Liberal Arts Majors." I loved that it took a topic that I was interested in but didn't really have an aptitude for and met me where I was. We did a lot of reading with follow up debates and discussions.

  • One of the best classes I ever had was high school accounting. The teacher was great at interacting with the students and developing activities and ways to learn accounting, which made the class enjoyable. Plus, he would randomly bring in donuts from a bakery near his home.

    If you can make accounting fun that is saying something. 😊

  • StephanieStepney
    StephanieStepney ✭✭✭✭✭

    My favorite course I ever took was home economics in middle school. I learned how to write a check and developed my passion for cooking in that class. I STILL have my cookbook! The Malibu sandwich is still a favorite❤️ Ham, pineapple ring and melted swiss cheese slapped between 2 pieces of white bread with mayo. YUM! 🥪

  • One of the most enriching courses I've had the pleasure of taking was Business Law with Professor Sanford. His teaching style was not only informative but also incredibly engaging, making each class session something I eagerly anticipated. Professor Sanford's passion for the subject matter was evident in every lecture, and his ability to bring real-world examples into the classroom truly brought the concepts to life. Without a doubt, his course left a lasting impact on my understanding of business law and ignited a newfound interest in the subject.

  • The best course I have taken was run by the Dale Carnegie institute. It was based on the book How to Win Friends and Influence people. They took a very difficult topic, how to be assertive and self-aware, and made it consumable. Not comfortable, but consumable. They allowed people to express emotion, discuss how to deal with that emotion and demystify the reasons behind emotion. One activity I will remember to this day had the group speaking in an angry manner and physically manifesting that anger (by banging a table) about any thing that was annoying or frustrating in what others did around them (in class or outside of class). The items shared and their variety of sources was eye opening and validating all at the same time. The instructors were exceptional and amazing.

  • I actually have two favorites, one was a gun safety course I took with my son, who was about eight. He recognized the dangers of guns at this early age and wanted to take the course. No one in my family owns, or has ever owned, a gun, but he was adamant that he knew how to operate them safely.

    The second one was also with my son, and it was his first real foray in to the world of science. He was in a Science Olympiad and I was lucky enough to join him in one of the events. From that point forward, he participated in this event every year, was involved with various Stem programs, and participated in a program offered by Lockheed Martin engineers for middle and high schoolers. He has since graduated and working in a neuro ocular lab working on cures for macular degeneration.

  • Hello - My name is Kate Fox and I am a Project Management leader at Procore. Most recently, my favorite course I have attend was a presentation about Leading Through Change & Transformation from The Leadership Consortium: Anne Morriss, Frances Frei, and Cara Shortsleeve.  I highly recommend any of these women as speakers for leadership development. The other training I had recently was provided by Smartsheet. Samantha Joens has been helping us set-up a new Blueprint to use across our PM org. I highly recommend it!!

  • Kimberly Slavsky
    Kimberly Slavsky ✭✭✭✭

    Wow, I have taken a lot of great courses both for formal education and for professional development. I think the best course for formal education was a research and data course that I took during my graduate work. The professor, Dr. Eliot was just fantastic with how he engaged and motivated his students, which can be difficult to do for instructors when the content can be dry, but even more of a challenge when we were all online in accelerated courses. Not only is he the reason that I refound my love of data, he is also the reason I am now a lecturer at one of our universities.

    Kimberly S. Slavsky, MPAcc, MS (She/Her)

    Operations Principal Professional |Department of Psychiatry

    University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

    CU Anschutz Staff Council Vice Chair

    University of Colorado Staff Council Co Chair

  • Pajfish
    Pajfish ✭✭

    Introduction to Adobe Illustraor just because it was the gateway to the Adobe Suite for me and so much of what I learned could be applied to all the other Adobe programs.

  • Love the welding class I took at ADX (Art & Design Exchange), in Portland Oregon. I used the class to create the steel (with cedar planks) around my property. Would love the opportunity to enrich my work experience with Smartsheet classes.

  • darrell.stevens
    darrell.stevens ✭✭✭
    edited 04/11/24

    During my early project management days, we had a guest come in for a few days for the "GSD camp". No one really new what it was, just that PMs were asked to attend. The speaker was a former major from the U.S. Army who was in charge of logistics during Korea.

    Needless to say, I learned more about "Getting Sh*t Done" from him than I have ever. I still use tactics today to cut through the mustard and red tape to truly solve problems.

    I think the thing was you had all these project/product managers in this room thinking their stuff was SOOOO hard, but then he talked about how delegation, organization, communication were all key and that you can't ever do too much of those.

    All the things he had been in charge of and were so life dependent to have done really humbled the group. His little 2-day lessons made career changes I will always have.

  • My favorite course was a self led initiative in learning Python. I used Redit 100 programing challenges to experiment with solving problems and learning the Python venacular for doing so. In everything I teach I always try to think about allowing the learner to use the small bit that they have learned to build a foundation on which to develop more.

  • Public speaking in high school. The class included all four grade levels and was a real mix of students. I was shy and weird, but after the first week in the class I realized many people feel shy and weird about public speaking, and I didn't! Changed my whole attitude about school and engaging with people outside of my friends and peers and provided skills I still use today, even though presentation styles and technology have changed dramatically.

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