[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 seat to a Multi-Day Smartsheet University course



  • Last year I took the "Smartsheet: Working Smarter with Reports and Dashboards" to use it at work and implement some changes/improvement to our department at Stanford University. The course was from 9-12 and I was impressed on how much I was able to absorb during the class. Our instructor let us all be hands on and we would do the exercises live and he would check to ensure everyone was on the same pace. I would like to be able to continue learning to enhance my Smartsheet skills!

  • JPRii
    JPRii ✭✭

    I loved a college biology course, Bryophytes (mosses, liverworts, and hornworts) and Lichens. One, it got me outdoors, in the rolling hills of the Virginia Piedmont. It also required a bit of sleuthing. We went out in search of bryophytes and lichens, and when we found them, we recorded details about the place and environment where they were found. We broadly categorized them, bagged them, and brought them back to the lab where we put them under magnification to “key” out the species. Tiny details in shape and structure were the determining factors. I imagined it an activity Sherlock Holmes might have undertaken, as this sort of detailed knowledge often supported his superpower deduction in concluding who dunnit.

    Working with Smartsheet’s formulas gives me the same kind of satisfaction. I love the reward of creating a formula for our project tools that efficiently provides information our managers and leaders need. It requires research to discover the right type of formula to use, and adherence to detailed syntax for it to work. I also like troubleshooting broken formulas. In sorting it all out, I get to play Sherlock Holmes again in a Smartsheet who dunnit, or perhaps a whose gunna do it. I found Smartsheet University’s “Key Formulas for Project Managers” to be a great course for building my knowledge and capability.

  • "SQL Practice: Basic Queries" by David Gassner on LinkedIn Learning is one of my favorite courses I've taken recently. David explaining the concepts really well and then had built-in hands-on activities via CoderPad which was fantastic. CoderPad would let you know in real-time if your solution was correct and if not, why.

  • Hello,

    I've had many incredible teachers over the years but the one who's voice resonates the most in my head was from my favorite English high school teacher Jeff Joyce who said, "Never settle for just content". I was probably 17, maybe 18 when he said this and of course at that age you feel so selfishly motivated to be independent you can forget to reflect and frame what you truly want in life. I'm now in my early 30s and after a late diagnosis of ADHD as a woman, I feel like I am finally finding my own voice and purpose with my teacher's early tip on life. Excel has been an incredibly helpful tool for helping someone who craves organization but finding smartsheet through my job has opened my eyes to just how much more this could help people like me get organized, stay motivated and keep plugging along.

    Neurodivergent folks don't have to settle for less just because we weren't shown how to do better or be more successful. With a positive mindset and proper tools with smartsheet I would love to know how much more I can accomplish and how to teach others with neurospiciness that they too can keep track of the things that paralyze us the most. A course like this would really help me combine working smarter while still feeling like i can use my creative ADHD edge to my advantage.

    Thank you for listening & good luck to everyone! (:

  • The PLE (people leadership experience) through Fortive, and with supplemental education with LinkedIn Learning. It's nice to be part of a company that values leadership growth.

  • That would be the Project Management MicroMasters Certificate on the edX.org platform, a life changing experience as I enjoyed all the courses in the program, and took me to other great courses like the Agile program also on edX, and to obtain my PMP and CSM certifications.

  • Tamsin
    Tamsin ✭✭✭

    My favorite class? It's a tie between "bookbinding and box making" and "silversmithing" - both were offered through the local community education program. I love to learn and I love being creative.

  • One of my favorite most recent courses I took was through the project management institute last fall. It was on AI and PM and how they are starting to integrate. It talked a lot about the risks, but also about how much you can utilize these tools to empower better work if you are educated properly on which ones to use for which scenarios. I learned a lot that was applicable to my work and made me more efficient.

  • JT_OSU
    JT_OSU ✭✭

    I took a bartending course once. We got to mix 'drinks' using different colored liquids in standard liquor bottles. Very useful.

  • My favorite course (also the most challenging) is from my college days - Rhetoric I because it was a little bit of everything: writing, public speaking, history, and critical thinking.

  • I took a Mexican Muralism class in college many many moons ago that featured the work of Diego Rivera, Jose Clemente Orozco, David Alfaro Siqueiros and Rufino Tamayo among others. I went in with very little knowledge of these artists or the murals they created but it ended being one of my favorite courses because how art was used to educate, inform and inspire and was available to the public of all classes and status. It was a very inspiring class and I saw public art and it's meaning and necessity in a whole different light.

  • One course that truly excited me was an introductory class on Six Sigma and Lean Methodologies. The remarkable instructor presented universal examples of process improvement in such a way that we didn't initially realize they were implementing the concepts we were about to learn. Her ability to connect these concepts with real-world situations facilitated our understanding and engagement with the coursework. Each example she provided required us to employ the methodologies we hadn't yet learned to solve prevalent issues in our respective industries. The environment she created was one of intellectual curiosity, constantly prompting us to delve into the 'why' behind each concept. To this day, the lessons from this course resonate in my everyday life, and I find myself sharing the knowledge gained repeatedly. That is what made it so great. 😊

  • I use Google and YouTube as my teacher for all things Power Query, PowerBI, Smartsheet etc...

    Some of my favorite teachers are...

    Smartsheet: Echo Consulting https://www.youtube.com/@EchoConsulting web: echoprojectmanagement.com

    Power Query / Excel: Leila Gharani https://www.youtube.com/@LeilaGharani

    PowerBI: Guy (Girl) in a Cube https://www.youtube.com/@GuyInACube

    These are some of my favorites but there so many other great teachers out there!

  • I have taken many great course in my career but the one that stands out most was from my time in graduate school and the Capital Budgeting class. Our instructor had a everyday job as VP of Capital Budgeting for FirstEnergy, Corp. What made the class so memorable was the real world aspect to his teaching, examples and best practices. This gentleman was in the trenches, just like we were, and was forthcoming on many tips, tricks and potential pitfalls. It truly felt like we were working and learning from a colleage as opposed to being taught by a professor.

  • One of my most memorable courses was a Technology of Participation (ToP) course offered by the Institute of Cultural Affairs called "Virtual Facilitation Online." I learned some techniques for structured facilitation that can make online meetings far more interesting and engaging. I remember how time-intensive it was to plan a really effective facilitated meeting, which is why I haven't put what I learned into practice more often... but still, when I applied what I learned, my meetings were so much more productive and rewarding!

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