May Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge



  • krinnap
    krinnap ✭✭✭

    I started using SmartSheet last February. As my project and project tracking needs became more sophisticted, I started using formulae to assist with status identification and calculations. I was trying to build a layered formula with multiple conditions and was getting lost in the the AND, IF, OR statements, but I wasn't finding the answer I needed in the SmartSheet support site, or in other posts within the community so I decided to put my question out there. The response(s) I received were quick and very helpful! Since then, I've been using the community to help with other questions, issues, etc.. It's my first stop for all SmartSheet questions!!

    Thank you for being a great learning resource. I've been able to amaze and impress others with what I've created using SmartSheet. 🏅👏

  • Erin Kim
    Erin Kim ✭✭✭✭✭

    When I started in my Smartsheet analyst position, I found the community through googling best practice suggestions / questions.

    And now I have the keys to the candy store.

  • Maxx Gold
    Maxx Gold ✭✭✭

    I am new to the community and as others have mention am lost in the world of sheets, reports, and dashboards. In an attempt to figure out how to build a project portfolio and dashboard I have stumbled upon this community. :)

  • khickman
    khickman ✭✭✭✭✭

    I knew about the community, however, I wasn't fully engaged until I attended conference last year. I was all in after that! And now I get so much out of the community and learning from others.

  • brianschmidt
    brianschmidt ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I discovered the Smartsheet community after a few months of using the Smartsheet platform. I was relatively new to Smartsheet and starting to build out assets for a company equipping me to help them better utilize their Smartsheet subscription. I was looking for an answer to a question and was pleasantly surprised with a quick, thorough response to my inquiry. Then, several months later, I began to explore all that the community had to offer, including badges, answering questions for myself, rankings, causes that Smartsheet supported, and the like. Glad I found my way to the community!:)

  • I discovered this community when Googling how to use Smartsheet and if different features or options were possible. It's been extremely helpful to learn from people who've been at this a lot longer. I officially joined to learn more about when we could expect work insights to be "dashboardable." 😁

  • I discovered the Smartsheet community when I was self-teaching how to use the automation feature. I had questions about the capabilities and had some suggestions, and the search brought me here. I have been happy to see my ideas also belonged to others, and others also had great ideas I hadn't thought of. I appreciate that Smartsheet takes everyone's voice into account when creating new functionality.

  • I started a new job this month and the new office uses SS, and I was feeling a bit lost but then one new colleague highly recommended this community to get connected with other users, get help with troubleshooting, and learn more about SS. I'm excited to use this (new to me) software and figure out how to best leverage it for my new position, and appreciate having a community asset like this to go along with the program itself 🤓

  • When I first heard about Smartsheet, then became an Admin, I had to dive head-first into my own learning. It was introduced to us from a newer hire from another company. At the time, I didn't know any people in company using it. I have always used Google to try and locate answers to my questions. One of the links that popped up while searching took me to the Smartsheet Community. I love those in the Smartsheet Community and their willingness to answer questions, support and share. The Smartsheet Community growth comes from those that share and participate. So THANK YOU to all that apply!

  • taschunn
    taschunn ✭✭✭

    I had never heard of Smartsheets until I joined my current company. The first time someone showed me Smartsheets and what it could do I was blown away. I could not believe that none of my previous companies used it. As an avid Excel user, I was so happy to see that Smartsheets solved a lot of the issues I had with Excel and collaboration.

    Now, instead of saying, "I'll create an Excel sheet for that," I say, "Let me create a Smartsheet and show you all the wonderful things we can do."!


  • Rebeca S.
    Rebeca S. Employee

    "Let me create a Smartsheet and show you all the wonderful things we can do."! #SmartsheetJunkie

    Love this so much, you're awesome @taschunn 😎

    Join us at Smartsheet ENGAGE 2024 🎉
    October 8 - 10, Seattle, WA | Register now

  • As a fairly new user to Smartsheet, I discovered the Community when Googling for help. Like others, many links went to this spot. So I posted my question and received a response within a day. It's great to be able to post and receive responses/insight/answers from other Smartsheet users.

  • Andrée Starå
    Andrée Starå ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I found the community when I became a Smartsheet Partner.

    One of my best decisions to date. 🤩


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: | | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.

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