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Training Observation Form

Archie Lopez
Archie Lopez ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I'm working with another department to create a trainer observation form in Smartsheet. The form is pretty long and has a lot of categories. When I started working with it the number of columns grew quite large. 


Does anyone have experience doing this in Smartsheet? Any tips?

Thank you,

A. Lopez


  • Travis
    Travis Employee


    Archie - as you have seen, each field will require a column to add the submitted data to. If your sheet is getting larger than you would like you could split the form up into multiple forms and use multiple sheets. You could then set the first web form to load the second web form when the first one is submitted. To set this up, open your web form editor and select Form Options > Confirmation Options > Send the user to this URL > add the URL for the second web form. 

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