Cell values automatically reverting to previous values. Changes won't save.

SJTA ✭✭✭✭✭

I have a very serious concern.

I am updating the contacts column to change the contact from Richard to Teresa. However, after about 10-15 minutes Smartsheet automatically reverts to the original contact. This has been happening for a week . I am very concerned because how can I be assured that changes are saved in all my Sheets? I just so happen to have an automation to notify me of any/all changes to this Sheet.

That contacts column is not linked to any other Sheet. There isn't the small arrow to the bottom right of the cell that lets you know which Sheet(s) a cell is linked to. Is it possible for a cell to be linked without this indicator? Just in case, I disabled Resource Management. I reached out to Smartsheet Support and they do not have a solution. They actually suggested that it could be a conditional formatting issue, which let me know they did not understand when I clearly stated that it is the value of the cell that keeps automatically reverting. I do not have an automation that affects that contact column. I check the cell history and whenever the value reverts to the original contact, it shows that I am the one making the change. Which is insane, because I am not undoing my own updates.

Has anyone experienced this? What else could the problem be?



  • NickStaffordPM
    NickStaffordPM ✭✭✭✭✭

    Are the changes you are making and saving showing up in the activity log right away as they should? Or when you save, are those changes not shown in the activity log?

    I am trying to to determine if the change is being acknowlegded by their servers at all or if it is jusr dispearing before it gets to them.

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    Nick Stafford

  • SJTA
    SJTA ✭✭✭✭✭


    Yes. The changes show up in the Activity Log.

  • NickStaffordPM
    NickStaffordPM ✭✭✭✭✭

    It may help your case with Smartsheet IT to screenshot the activity log right after you make a change and then after it disappears again so you have evidence. That may help explain tot hem the issue so they can address it properly.. because something wrong it definitely happening lol

    If you found this comment useful, please let me know by clicking one of the buttons below: Awesome, Insightful, Upvote, or Accepted Answer. Your feedback will assist others looking for the same information and also help me out.


    Nick Stafford

  • Vivien Chong
    Vivien Chong ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    My first thought it could it be an automation set up to assign task to Richard? But since you mentioned there is no automation associated with that contact column… I have not encountered this, but I am curious to find out why this is happening… 😁