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PMO Template Project Plan not displaying correct End Date at top row

Happy August!

This project plan was created using the Smartsheet PMO Template, which I have done many times before. How can I get the End Date in the first row to show the correct date (8/31/23), instead of 8/17/24? It's not rolling up. Thanks in advance for your help.

Best Answers

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Kathy PPT - bizarre it's not auto-calculating. Presume if you click on the cell you've circled you get the below warning message, which will confirm it is set up correctly.

    The one thing for me in your image is that I can't see the '+' icon in the first line that will 100% confirm the items below are indented below this one. Also, the text you have blanked out is in line with the text in the rows below. See the second image below to see what I'd expect to see. You clearly know your stuff and are familiar with the template set, so without seeing your sheet it's hard to diagnose fully, but would be interested if you can share those images to rule these items out…

    Rich Coles

    Prodactive | Smartsheet-aligned Platinum partners

    Check out our Smartsheet-dedicated YouTube channel for tips, tricks and inspiration

  • ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi all, I indented all the rows and it worked. I can't believe I missed that! Thanks so much for your help. Have a great weekend.


  • Community Champion

    Hi @Kathy PPT,

    Are all the rows after the first set as children? You may need to indent those one level.

    Hope this helps,


  • Community Champion

    @Kathy PPT

    A couple things to check. 1.) In Gantt settings, are these columns still setup as dependency columns? 2.) Does at least one of the children to the validation/wrap up section have dates and % complete populated? 3.) Is the Validation/Wrap up section properly demoted under the parent/blue row? I can't tell for sure but is that top row a parent thus default adopting the children information or is that red circled cell a formula?

    Matt Lynn

  • ✭✭✭✭

    @Matt Lynn-PCG

    Thanks for your info.


    2. Yes for all children.

    3. Top row is the parent, not a calculation. All subsections are demoted correctly.

    We did add rows (via copy/paste and insert above/below). So this sheet is longer than the original template. The lower sections seem to work properly.

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Kathy PPT - bizarre it's not auto-calculating. Presume if you click on the cell you've circled you get the below warning message, which will confirm it is set up correctly.

    The one thing for me in your image is that I can't see the '+' icon in the first line that will 100% confirm the items below are indented below this one. Also, the text you have blanked out is in line with the text in the rows below. See the second image below to see what I'd expect to see. You clearly know your stuff and are familiar with the template set, so without seeing your sheet it's hard to diagnose fully, but would be interested if you can share those images to rule these items out…

    Rich Coles

    Prodactive | Smartsheet-aligned Platinum partners

    Check out our Smartsheet-dedicated YouTube channel for tips, tricks and inspiration

  • ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi all, I indented all the rows and it worked. I can't believe I missed that! Thanks so much for your help. Have a great weekend.

  • Community Champion

    Delighted to help! Easily done. Personally, I always add conditional formatting based on hierarchy to all my plans so that parent rows always colour-code automatically… this way you're not reliant on colours and manually doing that. Here's the video I did on it a while back. The formula I use is =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN([Task Name]@row)) > 0, COUNT(ANCESTORS())) - I use this formula, rather than a simpler one as it only shows the relative level of parent rows.

    Rich Coles

    Prodactive | Smartsheet-aligned Platinum partners

    Check out our Smartsheet-dedicated YouTube channel for tips, tricks and inspiration

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