Auto fill date and time emailing the wrong information?

SSParks ✭✭✭✭
edited 12/02/24 in Smartsheet Basics

I set up a very simple form pictured below where someone could select their name from a drop-down and hit submit. On the back end, I have a column called date which enters the date and time of the submission. This information is then emailed to myself and a manager with all of the information in the row. When I receive the email, the date and time information is correct when another person receives the email who is a part of the same automation, their time is a few hours off (by 3 hours).

I have confirmed the date and time is correct on the machines they receive the email on as well as the time zone. Why would we be receiving different information from the same column? it looks to be 3 hours off for the other people who receive the same email.

Thanks for any help!


  • Jeremy_D
    Jeremy_D ✭✭✭

    I know you said the date and time zone is the same on both machines, is that also in your Smartsheet settings? That's the only reason I can think of!

  • Jeremy_D
    Jeremy_D ✭✭✭

    And it matches the other person whom the automation sends to? It might be that you need to amend their time zone settings.

    Because if SS thinks you've set a time of 12pm and the other person is set to a time zone 3 hours behind then they're going to be given a time 3 hours behind yours.

  • SSParks
    SSParks ✭✭✭✭

    It's weird because they are just receiving an email with the information from Smart sheets. So it's not really linked to a Smartsheet account on their behalf.

    and the devices they received the emails on the date and time and time zone are correct matching Smartsheet's.

    I may try to set up a individual automation for each person who receives the email just to see if that makes a difference. I am currently on the only automation to receive the email which sends to multiple people, but mine comes back with the correct information.

    it's just very weird that the information within the column which is supposed to be sent in the email is off but if you go back to the Smartsheet grid, it is correct

  • Jeremy_D
    Jeremy_D ✭✭✭

    Ah I see that's a good point! Are you the owner of the sheet? I've seen that it could be that the owner of the sheet's time zone is the one that is used for automations or would other people be editing the workflow? That could then use their time zone.

    There are some others who've experienced similar issues -

    Time zone discrepancy in Automations — Smartsheet Community