March Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge



  • DavidY
    DavidY ✭✭

    I have been reading the coaching Habit and learning to say less, ask more and change the way I lead.

  • NeilKY
    NeilKY ✭✭✭✭✭

    How to better utilize the AI in smartsheet to generate formulas, without getting an error.


  • =Chris Palmer
    =Chris Palmer Community Champion

    Expanding my knowledge with using Smartsheet API and intergrading with other systems like Snowflake / Sigma.

  • AMPM_4ME
    AMPM_4ME ✭✭✭✭

    One skill I would love to tackle in 2025 is relating my position in work with KPI's. I would love to utilize dashboards to make this happen.

  • FTesseneer
    FTesseneer ✭✭✭✭

    Hi community,

    On the Smartsheet side, definitely formulas!

    On the personal side, balancing life, work, family. I need to work on my self-help. I tend to get stressed and am trying to learn yoga techniques to de-stress and lose some weight.


  • CP_LAW
    CP_LAW ✭✭✭

    The skill I would like to get better at is letting things roll off my back. I tend to overthink. That is a recipe for ruminating, which is a recipe for holding onto things that could be let go.

  • Paula Grahame
    Paula Grahame ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm approaching a milestone age and I'm really focusing on prioritizing my health, remaining agile and keeping my brain young. (Chronically brainstorming new ways to use Smartsheet in my worklife is helping 😄)

  • Cayla Davis
    Cayla Davis ✭✭✭

    Hi Community,

    I'm actively new to the Smartsheet Community, and for the past year I have been learning everything i can when it comes to Smartsheet. Lately it's been creation of Dashboards. One skill that I would like to focus on is managing people and really getting them excited about their job, giving them to wheel to drive and letting them feel the passion and the power that they have.

    There is nothing better than having the ability to make someone feel powerful, engaged and excited about their work!

    Cayla Davis | Technology Strategy and Optimization Manager
    Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

  • VBAGuru
    VBAGuru ✭✭✭✭✭

    I am looking to improve the inter-connection between the core app and the add-on's. I am hoping to decrease the number of helper sheets that I use to create Dashboard widgets and charts.

  • Andy_B
    Andy_B ✭✭✭✭

    I would love to improve my skills with integrations and connectors.

  • I'm a new Program Coordinator tasked to manage our decade-old Cancer Center's internal pilot grants for cancer research. I hope to create a Smartsheet system that documents who receives pilot grants and tracks all future resulting activities, such as publications, presentations, and federal funding. My hope is that my Smartsheet system will also prove to be the right tool for our Sponsored Programs team, and ultimately for our entire research foundation educational system. That dream would ultimately result in my becoming a certified Smartsheet teacher!

  • SherryFox
    SherryFox ✭✭✭✭✭

    What one skill? That is tough narrowing it down to just one. I am the type of person that is constantly upskilling, so it may change from one subject to another based on current projects at work, or my personal goals. Right now, based on a course I am working on from a Microsoft MVP, it is Power Query. However a close 2nd is Copilot.

    Sherry Fox

    Business Process Analyst 3 | C5ISR Group | HII | Mission Technologies

    EAP | Mobilizer | Automagician | Superstar | Community Champion Class of 2024

    Core App Certified 🦊

    NEW (Work) Profile: @SherryFox | OLD (Personal) Profile: @Sherry Fox

    Connect with me on LinkedIn

    Please Like ❤️, Vote Up ⬆️, Awesome 🤩, Insightful 🧐 any of my contributions that have provided value.

  • Deena Duran
    Deena Duran Overachievers
    edited 03/12/25

    One skill that I would like to improve is my time management skills. I have too many projects at the moment and find myself wanting to focus more on building a new Smartsheet dashboard than working 😂

    On a related note, I went with my daughter for her parent/teacher conference yesterday. Her teacher asked her the same question. Her 5-year-old response: "I want to get better about riding my bike."

    Me: "Oh, that is a good goal. Do you have something that you want to improve at school? Maybe staying focused when your friends are distracting you?"

    Her: "Yeah…. But also, sometimes I get scared on my bike when I am on a hill, and I want to be better with that. And not use training wheels." 🤣

    Deena Duran, MA (She/Her)

    🌟 Smartsheet Overachiever, Mobilizer, and Early Adopter 🌟

    🎓️ Core App, Project Management, and System Administrator Certified 🏅

    Senior Business Analyst

    University of New Mexico Health Sciences

  • Protonsponge
    Protonsponge Community Champion

    If I could master one skill, it would be boosting my self-confidence. While it comes naturally to some, I find it to be a consistent area for improvement. On a lighter note, I'd also like to expand my wine knowledge 🍷🍷🍷- which, after a few tastings, might also help with the confidence 🤣🤣🤣

  • NRJW53
    NRJW53 ✭✭✭✭

    One skill I plan on improving is cooking! I just bought my first home with plenty of space and can't wait to learn some new recipes! 🍽️👳