Dynamically assign view permission

Marcel Staub
Marcel Staub ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics


I have a contacts column in my Sheet and would like to dynamically share the sheet with these contacts.

Each row has an owner that frequently changes. I'd like to be able to "just" change the contact in the row and with that he gets or losses access to the sheet and its reports.

Is there a solution for that?



  • Gwyneth C
    Gwyneth C ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks so much for your question. At first I thought that possibly a Smartsheet Contact group might help, but it sounds as if your "assigned to" people are changing frequently enough that a Contact group for sharing wouldn't help. (In case you're interested, more information about Contact Groups is available here: Manage and Use Smartsheet Contact Groups.)

    What you ask for could be made possible by creating a custom solution using the Smartsheet API. More information on that is available in our Developer Portal.

    If that solution is outside of the nature of your request—as I'm guessing it likely is—please submit a product enhancement request using the link under "Quick links" here in Community.

