Rows of data moving

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

Greetings to all,

At my work we have recently started using Smartsheet.  We use it on a simple level, i.e. two or three users can update the same spreadsheet at the same time.  We're a transportation company and we use the spreadsheet to schedule our runs and and update current runs after completion.  What we have noticed, and it continues, is that blocks of data, i.e. several consecutive rows,  appear to move to a different location (usually lower) in the same sheet.  The data doesn't corrupt it simply 'moves.'  Has anyone seen similar occurrences of this nature?  I can't help thinking that it's a user error that we can't resolve.


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    It probably has to do with someone sorting or filtering the data. Sorting is a manual task that applies across the board to every viewer while filtering is only based on the current user. It sounds like someone is sorting the data someway, somehow. If you have a business or enterprise edition you can view the activity log to determine what is going on. Otherwise, I would ask your other participants if they have been sorting the sheet. :)